Yusuke Kamiya's boss, Takashi Sawamura, used to be so passionate about his work that he was known as "Sadomura", a man who wouldn't allow compromise. In the meantime, Eren Yamagishi had an argument with Sayuri Kato over the sudden appearance of Akari Kishi, and left her studio. Eren was walking around town aimlessly when she stopped by a bookstore and picked up an advertisement magazine. In it was the logo of a SUNYTRY product that Koichi had worked on.
神谷裕介の上司である澤村隆は、かつては妥協を許さない "サドムラ "と呼ばれるほど仕事に情熱を注いでいた。そんな中、山岸エレンは突然現れた岸あかりのことで加藤小百合と口論になり、アトリエを出て行った。ふらふらと街を歩いていたエレンは、ふと立ち寄った書店で広告雑誌を手に取った。そこには、光一が手がけたSUNYTRYの商品のロゴが載っていた。