He Xiao Ran is the MC of a late-night radio show. But events that tainted the last few years of her life as a student still haunt her. She secretly loved Xiao Shang Qi , a close male friend. But instead of ending up with him, she had to watch on helplessly as he pursued his dreams of love with another woman – their mutual friend Chen Fei Er. She was forced to endure the heartbreak of watching the man she loved begin a relationship with her close friend. And for the sake of the friendships she valued, she kept her feelings under lock and key. But her past comes back to bite her eight years later when Xiao Shang Qi comes to town after spending a long time abroad.
He Xiao Ran, Xiao Shang Qi et Chen Fei Er sont amis depuis l'université. He Xiao Ran était secrètement amoureuse de Xiao Shang Qi mais celui-ci préférait Chen Fei Er et Xiao Ran a du non seulement voir l'homme qu'elle aime donner son cœur à sa meilleure amie mais aussi voir cette même amie traiter l'amour de Shang Qi de façon légère.
Un évènement détruit leur amitié à tous les trois et amène Xiao Ran à s'éloigner d'eux après avoir été trahie.
Trois ans plus tard, elle revoit Shang Qi.