Home / Series / Hellsing Ultimate OVA Series / Aired Order / Season 1 / Episode 10
Home / Series / Hellsing Ultimate OVA Series / Absolute Order / Season 1 / Episode 10

Hellsing X

And now an ending. London is in ruins, Enrico's crusade has failed, captain Bernadotte and Alexander Anderson has fallen and Walter has defected to Millenium. As Alucard duels Walter, Seras and Integra fights through the zeppelin Deus Ec Machina and faces the last remaining soldiers of Millenium. But there also waits the leaders of Millenium: the Major and the mysterious Captain, the man Walter feared to face and who is about to reveal his true nature...

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Name Type Role
Yousuke Kuroda Writer
Tomokazu Tokoro Director