Season 1 : The Fantasy of The Apple Forest
Kitty and Mimmy come to a mysterious forest, “the Apple Forest”, with Pululuw, a fairy as a guide. The fairy folks welcome Kitty and Mimmy as “the brave twins”, who are to rescue the princess of the Apple Forest. They go off on an adventure to look for the “golden apple”, which should be the key to rescuing the princess…
How will the adventure turn out?
Season 2 : The Mistery of The Apple
There are strange incidents in the Apple Forest. Precious things are lost, and the prince in the castle suddenly disappears… Kitty and Mimmy play outstandingly to solve these problems as detectives. To clear up the mysteries of the strange incidents, their detective work allows them to play different characters. At times being pop idols, and at other times wearing beautiful dresses...
Is peace going to return to the Apple Forest?
Season 3 : The Apple Forest and The Parallel Town
Kitty and Mimmy visit the Apple Forest after a long interval. Old man Scotch tells them not to go, because mysterious things occur in the "twisted forest". However, they enter the forest in pursuit of Monga and Montagne. Then Mimmy disappears! Someone comes out of a house, which looks just like Kitty's house. Who is it?
Une petite fée, Pululu, emmène Kitty et Mimmy dans la mystérieuse forêt des Pommes dont elles devront sauver la princesse. Pour cela, elles doivent retrouver la Pomme d'Or...
- Saison 1 : La forêt des pommes
- Saison 2 : Le Mystère de la forêt des pommes
- Saison 3 : La Forêt des pommes et le monde parallèle
Hello Kitty和Mimmy在妖精波露露的帶領下來到了一座神秘的森林,並受到熱烈的歡迎。為了拯救公主,被妖精稱為「雙胞胎勇者」的Hello Kitty和Mimmy踏上了尋找金色蘋果的冒險之旅……這場大冒險將會發生什麼奇妙的故事呢?
キティとミミーは森の妖精の助けを借りてアップルフォレストにやってくる。 妖精の王国は彼らを「双子のヒロイン」として歓迎し、王女を救うように頼みます。 救助の鍵は黄金の林檎であり、姉妹の冒険の存在です。