All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 The Founding of America

    • April 6, 2020
    • Fox Nation

    Pete discusses the events that led to the founding of America and the value of freedoms.

  • S01E02 Political Views

    • April 6, 2020
    • Fox Nation

    Pete explains how issues aren't always wrong or right when it comes to political views.

  • S01E03 Economics: Socialism Versus Capitalism

    • April 6, 2020
    • Fox Nation

    A discussion of how different people view their money.

  • S01E04 War and Peace

    • April 6, 2020
    • Fox Nation

    Pete discusses the high cost of wars, why they are fought, and why he chose to fight for America.

  • S01E05 American Exceptionalism

    • April 6, 2020
    • Fox Nation

    Pete discusses what makes America a great country and asks what freedom means to the students.