Families can be a great source of delight and contentment as well as stress and sorrow. What we learn from these family dynamics affects every aspect of our lives, for better or worse. It’s good to know that we can move beyond this programming and heal all of our relationships. Elmar Dornberger explains how Constellation Therapy can heal generations of suffering by recognizing and resolving broken family dynamics in this interview with Regina Meredith originally webcast March 5, 2014.Elmar Dornberger grew up in a small town in southern Germany and came to the United States in 1981. His passion is learning to understand what makes people succeed and create win-win situations. He is relentless in his search for modalities that create change in the shortest and most sustainable way. To this end, he started Hemisphere Consulting, LLC in 2001 as a place to serve individuals, families and organizations.