The Mystery of Chi explores the benefits of traditional Chinese Medicine, including chi - or what westerners call bioenergy, acupuncture, massage, herbal remedies, balancing yin and yang, Tai Chi and chi gong.
The Mind Body Connection looks at how the nervous system and immune system are linked enabling the mind to heal the body through an understanding of molecular physiology, including neuropeptides as well as neurotransmitters, such as endorphins, serotonin and enkephelins.
Healing from Within focuses on meditation, including, Buddhism, mindfulness and breath practices, and western group psychology and psychotherapy.
The Art of Healing examines the mind's emotional state and how it affects our well being and our ability to heal.
Wounded Healers looks at Commonweal, a unique retreat for people with terminal illnesses, where listening, paying attention to patients and touch help people heal.