Harry vertritt Earl, einen Mann, dessen Frau gestorben ist. Sie hat 35 Jahre geraucht, nun will er die Tabak-Industrie verklagen. Der Verteidiger ist ein Kollege aus Harrys alter Kanzlei … Cassie kämpft derweil in einem Sorgerechtsstreit für eine verzweifelte Mutter: Chloe hat Angst vor ihrem Ex-Mann James, er scheint ein Psychopath zu sein. Bald zieht Harry Cassie jedoch wegen Befangenheit von dem Fall ab – und James stirbt durch die Selbstschussanlage von Chloes Haus.
Harry walks the halls of her old law firm with her client as she prepares to meet with rival attorney Sam Berman. "Your attorney used to be a valued member of our firm. It was a shame to see her go," Berman says before Harry corrects him. "They fired me." Harry represents Earl Connolly, the grieving husband of a woman who died from smoking, and Berman represents the cigarette company being sued. Berman offers a settlement of one $123,000. "For a dead wife?" Harry asks as she quickly rejects the offer. Berman warns Harry that she doesn't want to go to trial; the client's wife freely smoked cigarettes for 35 years, and the company will keep the lawsuit tied up in litigation for years before the case even sees trial. Harry's not afraid of the battle ahead and leaves with her client ready for the litigation war that awaits them.
Harry e Adam si occupano del caso di un uomo che afferma che le sigarette hanno ucciso sua moglie e affrontano un avvocato del passato di Harry. Cassie sta rappresentando una donna che ha ricevuto minacce dall'ex marito, un uomo all'apparenza mansueto. Tommy chiama Oliver per aiuto con la sua fidanzata che lo ha denunciato.
El caso que defenderán es sobre un hombre que afirma que su mujer ha muerto por culpa del tabaco. Se enfrentarán a un abogado que conocen.