It looks like Harry may get the sack when nurse Duckett, who he doesn't get on with, is given evidence of Harry's cosy little number selling off hospital equipment.
Nurse Duckett is less than overjoyed when she learns learns Harry has been selling off tie-dyed trendy hospital gowns.
Harry finds himself shunted off to complete his enlistment in the army after they discover that his discharge papers were faked. Lawrence is more than pleased to get the chance to take over the supply room.
An escapee rat gives Harry an idea for getting one over on nurse Duckett and making himself a spot of money.
Harry is put in a quandery when Sandy asks him to a charity dance at the hospital-he wants to go but is convinced he won't fit in.
Lawrence quits after fouling on an invoice,Harry, after learning that a computer will be brought in to replace him,is determined to get him back on job.
After injuring his foot Harry finds himself a patient in the hospital and being looked after by the dreaded nurse Duckett. Unhappy with the conditions in the hospital Harry is determined to do something about it.