One week had passed since Les knew about Seth's $7000 purchase of baseball cards, and so far, he made $2500 off of what he already sold. However, he had until the end of the day to sell the remaining stock, or he would had to pay for whatever remains. Seth found a card dealer willing to buy the remaining lot, but whether or not Seth would still had to cover the remaining costs with his own money would depend on the outcome of the deal.
Dopo aver speso una fortuna in oggetti sportivi, Seth affronta la sfida di venderli prima della data di scadenza impostagli dal padre. In gioco ci sono milioni di dollari.
1800 Dollar für zwei Gitarren aus den 80ern? Das klingt nach sehr viel Geld, doch seltene Modelle der Marke Gretsch sind mitunter ein kleines Vermögen wert. Deshalb stellt Seth Gold mithilfe der Seriennummern im Internet Recherchen an. Weil die Besitzerin zudem sehr an den Erbstücken hängt und sie nur deshalb zum Verkauf anbietet, weil sie sich in einer akuten finanziellen Notlage befindet, legt der Pawn-Shop-Manager nach dem Motto „fair geht vor“ am Ende sogar noch einen Tausender drauf.