Since Ashley resumed being a manager, she felt that she had every right to order Seth around, as he was still on probation. However, Ashley's regimental behavior was concerning Les, thinking that she's being a little too rough on Seth -- this included her criticizing Seth for buying things that she felt would all but take up space. But things come to a head when Ashley buys a 1950s Eljer toilet for $10, leading to Seth to buy it for $20, just so he can destroy it with a sledgehammer, before abruptly leaving the store angry.
Come manager, Ashley si assicura che il fratello lavori duramente e porti grandi guadagni. Riuscirà Seth a fare buon viso a cattivo gioco e a porre fine al periodo di prova imposto dal padre?
Eine tote Taube im Plastikbeutel? Pawn-Shop-Manager Seth Gold traut im „American Jewelry and Loan“ seinen Augen kaum. Der Kunde hat das leblose Tier angeblich beim Pokern gewonnen und bietet es samt Käfig zum Verkauf an. Er behauptet, „Lulu“ hätte einst Mike Tyson gehört, deshalb verlangt er für den V.I.P-Vogel 1000 Dollar. Doch das Einzige, was an der Geschichte stimmt, ist die Tatsache, dass der Schwergewichtsboxer tatsächlich ein Faible für Tauben hat. Der Rest ist frei erfunden, deshalb bekommt der Mann selbstredend keinen Cent ausbezahlt.