Gentle stretching for all major muscles using a chair for support.
Balance and standing poses open the hips and lengthen the hamstrings.
A yoga exercise that can be done at work or on a plane.
Tranquil, rejuvenating poses for the shoulder, chest and upper back stretches, hip openers and twists.
Stretches link breath with movement; forward bends free the muscles of the back, increasing circulation to internal organs; a relaxing guided meditation.
Stretching the hands, wrists, shoulders, upper back and legs.
Flowing warrior series using a chair for support focuses on strengthening the legs and opening the hips, shoulders and upper back.
Gentle seated exercises focus on the core, hip flexors and quadriceps.
A yoga practice focuses on coordinating movement and breath and improving circulation in the upper body.
Stretches to open the shoulders and chest; spacious hips and hamstrings sequence.
Stretching and lengthening the spine in a full range of motion.
A warrior series designed to build strength and flexibility in the lower body.
Simple stretches designed to ease tension in the shoulders and upper back include lateral stretches to create more space in the spine.
A seated segment to strengthen legs, abdominal muscles and the lower back; standing postures to tone the legs and stretch the hamstrings and hips.
A modified yoga practice combines lower body strengthening moves with a series of upper body stretches.
A sequence of standing poses opens the hips and lengthen the hamstrings.
A creative flow practice designed to open more space and ease in the shoulders, chest and upper back.
Standing postures designed to improve balance while creating more flexibility in the legs and hips.
Combining lower body strengthening moves and hip openers with upper body stretches to release tension in the shoulders and upper back.
Simple stretches and conscious deep breathing create more ease in the hands, wrists, shoulders, upper back and legs.
A modified yoga practice focuses on opening the hips and elongating the spine.
Seated postures strengthen the legs and open the hips; stretching the shoulders and chest.
Stretching and lengthening the spine in a full range of motion helps to create more ease in the shoulders and upper back.
Seated stretches for the upper body; standing postures to stretch the hips, hamstrings and spine.
Stretching and lengthening the spine; creating more ease in the hips, shoulders and upper back.
Upper body stretches for the hands, wrists, shoulders and chest; flexibility in the lower body.
Modified yoga postures include standing poses that stretch the hips, legs, back and shoulders.
A modified flow sequence links breath with movement; strengthening moves for the lower body.
Gentle stretches for the shoulders, neck and upper back.
Gentle seated exercises for the abdominal muscles activate the hip flexors and quadriceps.
A modified yoga session includes stretches to increase flexibility and mobility in the shoulders and upper back, standing poses and seated hip openers.
Stretches for the neck, shoulders and upper back; forward bends to stretch the hamstrings and hips.
Stretching and lengthening the spine; stretches to create more ease in the wrists, neck, shoulders, chest, back, hips and more.
Easy to follow yoga moves for the whole body include gentle sun salutations and stretches.
A modified yoga practice includes dynamic seated stretches and a standing sequence to build strength, balance and focus.
Lengthening and stretching the whole body while seated in a chair.
A modified yoga practice combines lower body-strengthening moves with upper body stretches.
Stretches to increase mobility in the shoulders and gentle moves to lengthen the spine, combined with standing poses.
Easy to follow exercises to stretch the neck, wrists, shoulders, spine, hips and legs.
Stretching and lengthening the spine in a full range of motion, which creates more ease in the shoulders and upper back.
Modified seated sun salutations; stretches to open the hips and release tension in the spine.
Gentle sun salutations; accessible moves to improve posture and strengthen the core while activating hip flexors and quadriceps.
A modified yoga practice using a chair for support includes easy to follow yoga moves to create more ease in the hands, neck, shoulders, back and hips.
Stretches to increase mobility in the shoulders and lengthen the spine, combined with standing poses to strengthen the lower body.
Seated stretches to increase flexibility and mobility in the shoulders and upper back; a standing sequence links breath with movement to allow more freedom in the hips and hamstrings.
Gentle sun salutations and easy to follow yoga moves help create more ease in the back, shoulders and hips.
Dynamic seated stretches to open the hips and improve range of motion in the spine; a balance and strength standing sequence, incorporating gentle side bends to expand breath and activate the core.
Gentle stretches for the neck, shoulders and back combined with forward bends to stretch the hamstrings and hips.
A seated warm up along with moves to firm the abs, strengthen the core and increase upper body endurance; modified plank variations and standing poses.
Gentle sun salutations and easy-to-follow yoga moves help create more ease in the hands, neck, shoulders, back and hips.
A modified yoga session includes gentle seated stretches to create more mobility in the upper body, standing balance poses to strengthen and tone the legs and seated warrior moves to open the hips.
An intermediate yoga session with standing and seated poses to create more movement around the hips and hamstrings.
Gentle sun salutations and easy to follow yoga moves create more mobility and flexibility in the hands, neck, chest, shoulders, back and hips.
An intermediate flow practice includes postures to help strengthen abdominals, legs and thighs.
A modified seated yoga practice includes sun salutations and gentle stretches to increase range of motion in the shoulders and upper back while releasing tension in the neck and spine.
A modified seated yoga practice to strengthen the legs and glutes; upper body stretches to increase mobility in the shoulders and upper back.
A well-balanced intermediate flow practice emphasizes core strengthening moves and standing poses that open the hips, shoulders and spine.
Seated and standing postures combined with core work create greater ease of movement and better posture.
Seated and standing postures to open the hips and stretch the hamstrings; balance postures to tone the legs and glutes.
Supine, plank and standing core strengthening moves to challenge one's balance and focus.