讲述了不会做饭、连厨房都没有的余皓的故事。 对于自己创建的美食平台,他赞助了一档美食真人秀,并以自己的身份亮相。 但效率是第一位的,他不想浪费时间为此学习做饭,所以他用替身拍摄得罪了剧组。 苏克兰在危难之际被任命为公关总监,接手公关工作应对危机,并成为余皓的厨艺老师。 她带着他进了厨房,慢慢开始走进他的心里。
- Pei Ni Yi Qi Hao Hao Chi Fan
- 陪你一起好好吃飯
Tells the story of Yu Hao, who doesn't know how to cook and even doesn't have a kitchen. For the food platform he created, he sponsored a food reality show and appeared on his own. But efficiency is the priority, he doesn't want to waste time learning to cook for this, so he offends the show crew by shooting with a stand-in. Su Ke Lan was appointed to become the director of public relations when he was in danger, took over the work of public relations to deal with the crisis, and became Yu Hao's culinary teacher. She took him into the kitchen and slowly began to enter his heart.
История любви владельца платформы свежих продуктов Юй Хао и его пиар-директора Су Кэ Лань, которая будет учить своего холодного босса готовить.