Tazuna und Koyori treffen erneut auf Hayato und und seine Chefin. Diese zeigen sich dankbar dafür, dass Tazuna ihnen vor einigen Tagen ausgeholfen hat und laden die beiden deshalb auf ein Eis in ihrem Restaurant ein.
Makihara gives Koyori a check-up, and informs Tazuna that he can let go of her hand for a maximum of fifteen minutes now, and can also eat real food. While out for lunch, Chizuru and Hayate spot Koyori and Tazuna working together in the kitchen to make the appliances more effective, and Hayate takes this chance to thank Tazuna for helping to fix his car previously. Mistaking them to be a couple, Chizuru offers to take them to the restaurant run by their company for a date. The "couple" goes, and after a wonderful time, Chizuru and Hayate reveal themselves to be Hand Shakers. Fighting ensues, but Tazuna's gears prove to be ineffective against Chizuru's circular blades, known as Dagger Blades, and Hayate's sword, known as Blade Shadow. With double Nimrods and shadow clones, this pair of Hand Shakers prove to be more than a match for Tazuna and Koyori, who has no way to fight.
Tazuna et Koyori croisent des travailleurs que Tazuna a aidés quelques jours auparavant. Pour le remercier, ceux-ci les invitent à manger dans le restaurant qu’ils gèrent, mais la fête tourne court…
マキハラの研究室で定期健診を終えたタヅナとコヨリ。 これからの予定を聞かれ、試してみたいことがあるというタヅナに、コヨリは不思議そうな表情を浮かべていた。 一方その頃三津寺千鶴(チヅル)と東 颯(ハヤテ)はユニット導入の説明を行いに、ある場所を訪れていた。 そこはタヅナの通う学校で――。
Tazuna incontra Chizuru e Hayate, la coppia a cui aveva riparato la macchina il giorno in cui ha incontrato Koyori. I due lavorano per una grossa società alimentare del luogo, e come ringraziamento offrono a lui e a Koyori una cena. Ma dopo il pasto, rivelano di essere a loro volta Hand Shakers!