Home / Series / Hammer House of Horror / Aired Order / Season 1 / Episode 7
Home / Series / Hammer House of Horror / DVD Order / Season 1 / Episode 7
Home / Series / Hammer House of Horror / Absolute Order / Season 1 / Episode 7

The Silent Scream

A hard-up young convict, Chuck Spillers, strikes up a friendship with Martin Brueck, an elderly prison visitor who owns a pet shop. When Chuck is released, he is glad to take a job working in the shop where Martin reveals he keeps a number of large cats in cages and is experimenting in controlling animals by electrical force fields and bells. Unfortunately for Chuck, his desperate need for money lures him into danger.

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Name Type Role
Francis Essex Writer
Elaine Donnelly Guest Star
Robin Browne Guest Star
Terry Kinsella Guest Star
Peter Cushing Guest Star
Brian Cox Guest Star
Antony Carrick Guest Star
Alan Gibson Director