On this whenever's episode of Half in the Bag Jay and Mike check out "The Hunger Games" as well as the new film from the Duplass Bros. "Jeff Who Lives at Home" - which film will Jay and Mike like more? A hipster indie drama about finding yourself and your happy zone or an action movie aimed at pre-teen girls? Watch the episode and find out, assholes. Also a review of Real Steel would have been more appropriate for this show...
Questions will be answered.
After burying the body of Mailman Tommy, Mike and Jay discuss the sci fi action film Oblivion, directed by the guy responsible for everyone’s favorite movie, Tron: Legacy. They then discuss the horror film The Lords of Salem, directed by the guy responsible for everyone’s OTHER favorite movie, the Halloween remake.
Wanna hear Mike, Jay, and Rich Evans talk about Star Trek Into Darkness for 45 minutes? WARNING: 90% of this episode is spoilers. So if you haven’t seen the movie yet and want to avoid spoilers, maybe skip this one. And if you haven’t seen the movie yet and don’t care about spoilers, there’s a lot of stuff mentioned in this episode that won’t make a lot of sense to you until you’ve seen the movie.
In the epic conclusion to Half in the Bag’s “Hipster Trilogy,” Mike and Jay discuss the “final” Hangover film (unless it makes a ton of money and a Hangover part IV is rushed into production) as well as After Earth, the latest collaboration of two of cinema’s finest: M. Night Shyamalan and Will Smith.
Mike, Jay, and their new friend Rich Evans (a different Rich Evans or something) discuss the latest iteration of Superman, this one being too cool and “real” to actually be called Superman. Also, Mr. Plinkett receives some distressing news that may lead to him losing his house! Is this the end of Half in the Bag??!! (spoiler: it isn’t)
Join Rich, Jay, and Mike as they watch the 2004 hit film "Alien VS Predator" and attempt to make sense of it. Start the commentary the moment the 20th Century Fox Logo starts. This is also commentary for the 100 minute theatrical release version of the film.
Enjoy one of the best bad B-Movies ever made with Rich, Jay, and Mike! Samurai Cop is the 1991 (or 1989) film starring Robert Z'dar and Matt Hannon. I think you can download it off Amazon? Either way be prepared for some B-Movie fun, trivia, and Rich Evans irritating laughter. Warning: Samurai Cop has lots of nudity as well horrifying acts of violence like rubber arms being cut off and awkward decapitations.
In light of all the recent Ghostbusters 3 talk, Mike, Jay, and Rich revisit the first and currently only sequel to the classic 1984 original, Ghostbusters II.
This is a sample video of some of the extras that are included in our subscription to Patreon! Outtakes, deleted material, etc. Enjoy!
It’s that magical time of year when Jay and Mike talk about the dumping ground that is January… and possibly more.
Mike, Jay, and Rich Evans watch Ripley Scott's 1979 film, Alien and talk about it. Since that film is soooo borrrring they also detour into talking about the entire Alien franchise as well as other things like Rich Evans' Grandmother's Christmas nightmare house. Learn stuff about Alien, hear Rich Evans laugh, and have a great time!
Jay and Mike somehow see It Follows and Furious 7 while floating in Mr. Plinkett’s house in the sky which is held up by a balloon filled with his farts which is not lighter than air so that wouldn’t happen anyway. I guess Jay and Mike downloaded the movies and watched them on a TV with a broken screen or on Jay’s Ipad which we’ve never seen and he wouldn’t be able to charge anywhere. God this show SUCKS!
Rich, Mike, and Jay sit down to watch James Cameron's classic film "The Terminator." Hear Rich Evans irritating laugh! Hear Mike's dry sarcastic hate-filled comments, Hear Jay provide insight into his love of Maniac Cop 2. Enjoy!
Mike, Jay, and Rich Evans watch the 1993 film Jurassic Park in anticipation for the new film Jurassic World. Hear amazing insights into the movie as well as terrible jokes.
Scientist Man does indeed explain Terminator Genisys in a thorough and scientific manner.
Oh no! Mike, Jay, and Rich Evans watch the obnoxious 2 hour long Joel Schumacher mess, Batman and Robin.... fart jokes ensue. Start the commentary when the Warner Bros. logo appears. Stop the commentary track when it's over or when you can't take it anymore.
Mike and Jay take a break while climbing Mt. Everest to talk about Everest. They are on their way up to Mr. Plinkett's house on the top. Even though he climbed down in a recent episode to kill them. Now I guess he went back up and wants his VCR fixed! Hey! He lives up there, what do you want him to do stay in a motel! He can't afford that! But he can afford to spend lots of money trying to fix a VCR to watch an old TV show from the 80's.
Happy Halloween, everyone! Join Mike, Jay, and Rich Evans as they talk about John Carpenter's classic 1978 horror film Halloween.
With the release of the full trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens, RLM has released a special video of our own. Welcome back future landfill, I mean Star Wars!
Mike, Jay, and their associate Rich Evans watch Wes Craven's hit film "A Nightmare on Elm Street" just in time for Halloween! Booo!
Rich, Mike, and Jay sit down to watch Return of the Jedi! Yay! This is the last film (Chronologically) that takes place before Star Wars: The Force Awakens. So much to discuss!
Yes. We now know it's Jakku. Please do comment about it though.
Max Landis, the screenwriter of Chronicle and American Ultra, mysteriously showed up in our studio somehow so we decided to have a discussion with him about screenwriting in Hollywood and talking a whole bunch on Twitter.
Happy New Year! Last video of 2015! Rich and Mike learn lots of new things about Darth Vader's iconic suit! CLICKBAIT!
Ghostbusters is the 2016 remake of the classic Ivan Reitman film. It stars Melissa McCarthy, Kristin Wiig, Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones and is directed by Paul Feig.
Rich, Mike, and Jay (Aka Susan or Reginald) watch the 1987 masterpiece "Masters of the Universe" by the legendary Cannon Films! Watch Dolph Lundgren try to talk! Look up Skeletor's nostrals! Watch a film fall apart right before your eyes!!! Enjoy kids!
He's back! Scientist Man looks at statistics, numbers and the media reaction surrounding the new Ghostbusters reboot. He's joined by two losers named Rich and Jay who like the original film, but not the reboot. They must be sexists!
What's the perfect movie to watch in between Halloween and Christmas? Why it's Gremlins! A favorite film of Mike, Rich, and Jay! Listen to this commentary as they talk of their love of rubber puppets, schlock, and Asian boys in Yankees caps. Wallow in the ear piercing shrill laughter of Rich Evans as your brain slowly dies.
Join media, pop culture, nerd culture, and geek culture experts Mike Stoklasa, Jay Bauman, and Rich Evans as they discuss the new movie Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
It's that magical time of year AGAIN! when Jay and Mike talk about the dumping ground that is January AGAIN! ... and possibly more.
The Nerd Crew is back! This week, the gang discusses the title reveal of Star Wars Episode 8, as well as unbox the cool pop culture swag in this month's Nerd Box and Geek Crate.
Hey everyone! The Nerd Crew is back! This time they're taking a look at the new and exciting Justice League trailer as well as catching up on some old, but new and exciting news about Star Wars: The Last Jedi!
OMFG! The Nerd Crew is back to analyze every single frame from the new Star Wars trailer to look for any minuscule clue as to what might happen in a film they will eventually see.
Mike, Jay, and Rich Evans watch Rouge One: A Make-Up Story - listen to their exciting commentary as they watch the most boringest Star Wars film ever.
Not many know this, but Rich Evans came very close to getting the lead role in Denis Villeneuve's upcoming Blade Runner sequel. The production company was kind enough to give us the footage of Rich's audition.
Mike and Jay have some more questions about the black goo.
Mike and Jay recently saw the HBO Documentary Beware the Slenderman and noticed some odd coincidental similarities between the Slenderman myth and their own character from an older film they made.
Mike and Jay see the latest Michael Bay disaster, Transformers 5: The Last Knight.
Rich and Mike guess at what terrible ideas will be in the new Han Solo™ stand alone adventure by Disney's™ Star Wars™!
The boys are back to talk about the latest Star Wars news! As well as watch and breakdown the second trailer for Episode 8: The Last Jedi!
Your #8,967th favorite YouTubers are back! This time they're here to talk about Star Wars The Last Jedi and The Justice League! Both have new trailers that dropped recently and Mike, Rich, and Jay are here to tell you who's "In the house!" in these new and exciting upcoming movies!
In honor of the release of "The Disaster Artist" Rich, Mike, and Jay sit down and watch the classic bad movie "The Room" by Tommy Wiseau and friends. Best friends. Watching a movie. Like Johnny and Mark. Just no overt homoerotic tension and betrayal. you are my rose you are my rose you are my rose you are my rose you are my rose you are my rose you are my rose you are my rose you are my rose you are my rose you are my rose you are my rose you are my rose you are my rose you are my rose you are my roseyou are my rose you are my rose you are my rose you are my rose you are my rose you are my rose you are my rose you are my rose you are my rose you are my rose you are my rose you are my rose you are my rose you are my rose you are my rose you are my rose
The Nerd Crew releases their review of The Last Jedi after attending the star studded premiere in Los Angeles!
* we weren't really sponsored by Fandango... In this special episode Rich, Mike, and Jay talk about the Last Jedi. A movie that's complex, but subtle. Beautiful, yet awkward, clunky and unfunny. Good, yet very bad. Also while discussing the bombing raid on the Dreadnought. Mike talks about a Star Trek Voyager episode coincidentally called "Dreadnought". Please comment about that below... if you were cool enough to know that awesome fact!!!
Mike and Jay talk about a bunch of movies they saw last year. This is only half of them! This video includes discussions of: (1:09) Split (7:48) Kong: Skull Island (11:14) I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore (16:40) Raw (18:43) Brad's Status (23:25) Ingrid Goes West (30:32) War For the Planet of the Apes (34:50) The Belko Experiment (36:54) Mayhem (40:13) Colossal (45:27) Wish Upon
Mike and Jay continue talking about movies they saw in 2017, mostly horribly depressing and miserable ones! (0:23) The Blackcoat's Daughter (4:07) It Comes at Night (8:28) Gerald's Game (11:25) The Florida Project (16:17) Killing of a Sacred Deer (20:19) Mansfield 66/67 (22:31) Dunkirk (22:50) A Ghost Story
Okay Jay/Rich this is the rough edit. Insert the final trailer after it's uploaded this Sunday or Monday (You'll see the spot for it) This way we can have the reaction video out before everyone else. Our reactions will probably match up to the trailer as these SW trailers are pretty boilerplate and predictable at this point. Remember DO NOT POST THIS anytime before the official release of the trailer. We'll look really stupid. Also, Rich - a collection agency keeps calling my phone looking for you. They sounded pretty mad. Made some comments about "breaking your legs" - which seemed a little unusual for collections? Your gambling habit hasn't resurfaced again has it? If so we need to have a talk. DO NOT borrow money from Jimmy "the leg breaker" Malone anymore. Okay, talk with you guys soon. - Mike
The RLM guys take a look at the trailer for the vert first time!!! (this is just for fun, kids. It's not perfect. Don't freak out.)
Join Mike, Jay, and Rich Evans as they discuss a movie you probably already forgot came and went! Start the commentary right at the fade in on animated Batman at the beginning of the DC logo intro (which is right after the Access Entertainment logo, which itself is right after the Warner Brothers logo. So many logos!).
Mike and Rich predictions series episode 392: Spock is back!!! The news is out. They dug up Spock! He's back! Remember Spock!! REMEMBER SPOCK!! REMEMBER KIRK!!! REMEMBER 1701!!?!?!??!!?!?
Yes we know the review embargo ended today.
He's back! Scientist Man is hired to help save Star Wars™. He uses logic, economics, marketing and math in order to come up with an idea so radical that it just might save the soon-to-be bankrupt franchise.
Jurassic World!
Jay has been watching James Gunn's films for a long time and is a fan. He shares a little insight during an episode of Half in the Bag episode.
Watch alongside Mike, Jay and Rich, as they laugh hysterically at horrific violence! It's Paul Verhoeven's classic sci fi satire Robocop! Start the commentary right after the MGM logo fades to black. This commentary is intended to sync up with the 103 minute unrated cut.
Robocop Commentary Track: https://redlettermedia.bandcamp.com/track/robocop-commentary T-shirts and Other Merch: https://redlettermedia.bandcamp.com/merch
The Nerd Crew is back! This time they have a secret machine with a hotline to Hollywood that gives them ALL the clickbait news stories.
Rich Evans made a surprise guest appearance on Ellen!
Hey look, it's new thing. It's not replacing old thing. It's another thing. Mike and Jay discuss The Clovehitch Killer, a new dark thriller that they saw independently of each other and wanted to recommend.
Ho Ho Ho! Rich Evans (Star of The Ellen Show), Mike, and Jay watch the 1996 disaster "Jingle All the Way". Hopefully you don't have fond memories of this film. If you do, you'll discover why Mike, Rich, and Jay will be getting coal for Christmas.
Freddie Williams is back! And this time he joins Rich to unbox some cool, new official Avengers toys at the RLM studio.
We're sorry. We're so, so sorry. Mike accidentally made this exactly 30 seconds long. The exact length of a TV ad. Weird. Wasn't even trying to do that.
Jay has been watching Universal Monster films for a long time and is a fan. He shares a little insight during an episode of Half in the Bag episode.
This is the first video of hopefully many more throughout 2019. A Pathetic Man-Child attempts to destroy all the vintage Star Wars figures he can. He does this to help him cope with the terrible, awful, painful place Star Wars has gone. Will it help him? No.
We were very excited to play with our Justice League Aquaman figure.
Finally! Ever wonder about EVERYTHING on our shelves? Well.... got 36 minutes to spare? Check out this amazing video separated into three genres: Horror, Sci-Fi/Fantasy, and Action as we visually catalog all our VHS tapes. Now you can know what NOT to send us! Because you can see what we have!!! Note: This video does not include "miscellaneous" VHS titles, Wheel of the Worst tapes, or DVDs or Blu Rays. THAT'S for another day...
We have too many movies.
Please recycle.
Coming soon! Rich and Mike talk about Season 2 of Star Trek Discovery in depth. Also, yes. We'll talk about the new Picard trailer too. This scene is our dramatic recreation of many scenes from the season of the hit TV show.
We sat Rich down to show him a clip that's been floating around the last few days. This was the result. You either know what this is or you don't.
A little while back, Justin Roiland (co-creator of Rick and Morty) asked a bunch of creators (including us) to shoot a weird commercial for his upcoming video game, Trover Saves the Universe. He said he wanted an ad that really had little to do with the game and would shock and scare the elderly. That's our specialty! The ultimate project with all the ads never came to fruition, but here's our contribution. Poor Rich Evans!
Mike and Jay saw the new Chucky movie. The reboot. Not the other new Chucky movie that only came out a couple of years ago. It's a different Chucky now. But there's a new Chucky TV series coming out next year as well. That's going to be the original Chucky. The Chucky they're talking about in this video is the new Chucky. There's two Chuckys. For some reason.
Thanks, everyone!
A little late to the game? NO! We've got until December to pointlessly speculate on the last of the "Skywalker saga" films!!! Mike has a crazy plot prediction and Rich has some ideas on how Palpatine can come back. Enjoy, friends!!
Rich and Jay sit down to give their general thoughts on the Amazon series The Boys, a superhero story for people that are sick of superheroes.
The boys are back to talk about the latest in pop culture news and entertainment.
Boooo! Start your spooky Halloween season off right, by listening to our commentary track for the non-spooky Evil Dead movie, Army of Darkness!
Jay and Mike watch Verotika! The embarrassing feature film debut from metal icon Glenn Danzig. So you know what that means... it's time for a quarantine watch party! Invite 100 to 200 of your best friends over to your 500 square foot apartment to all watch it together!!! Close all the windows and pass around the same glass of beer for everyone to share! This film is so terrible you'll rub your eyes in disbelief! You'll laugh so hard you'll cough all over the extra large bowl of pretzels everyone is grabbing from with all their filthy unwashed hands! What a treat! Could this episode have been 10 minutes long? Sure. But why not breath in the same air with all of your sketchy friends in an unventilated room for an hour!
Stuck inside during a global apocalypse, Mike and Jay decide to discuss some stuff that everyone already talked about months ago. In part 1, they dig into everyone's favorite nightmare meme, Tiger King, as well as The Invisible Man, ironically one of the last big movie to play in theaters before they...disappeared.
Mike and Jay use Mr. Plinkett's TV to randomly select streaming movies to watch. What else ya gonna do in quarantine? Are we all still in quarantine? What's happening? 00:00​ - Intro 04:10​ - Synchronic 07:20​ - Synchronic SPOILERS 24:54​ - Promising Young Woman 32:22​ - Promising Young Woman SPOILERS 42:08​ - Psycho Goreman 1:08:20​ - Outro
In Black Widow, Scarlett Johansson is back as Black Widow: the super spy who's here to do super spy stuff. Except not really. There's no spy stuff. She literally just asks her fake mom where the main bad guy is and she tells her and that's about the end of anything spy related. Then she flips around a bunch and her body slams full force into many, many, many hard objects which would result in her breaking every bone in her body if she wasn't made of CGI.
After learning that their secret camera of Mr. Plinkett is no longer working, Mike and Jay arrive at his house to get those sweet sweet anti-bodies. However, instead of continuing this interesting plot line, Mike and Jay decide to talk about Halloween Kills - a film that's much more realistic and fascinating. It is that spooky, scary and most evil time of the year: October through June! What do Mike and Jay think of this newest Halloween installment? Oh come on, you know...
Mike and Jay take a little break from tracking down the Omega variant infested Mr. Plinkett to talk about an important contribution to cinema: The Matrix: Resurrections. This episode also marks an important milestone. It's the first time Mike only drank one beer instead of 5 or more. His dementia is in full swing though. Watch this elderly fat ass try to form coherent sentences is like watching a manatee jump rope. Jay does a pretty good job talking about the movie though.
00:00 - Intro 00:34 - A Quiet Place II 04:45 - Old 11:51 - False Positive 14:15 - The Shrink Next Door 18:30 - The Empty Man 20:59 - Mainstream 25:20 - How It Ends 27:55 - The Night House 30:31 - The French Dispatch 35:36 - Marvel and Star Wars crap 41:12 - Beef House 44:31 - American Horror Story: Double Feature 50:27 - Ghosts 52:49 - Titane
We're not done talking about Bruce Willis movies! For some reason. Or more specifically, for no reason. There's been two more terrible Bruce Willis movies in just the month since our previous Bruce Willis video so we wanted to get caught up. Also discussed: the Hulu series Pam and Tommy, a good show that you probably don't care about.
In this latest episode of the post mortem movie show, Jay and Mike take a look at one of the biggest bombs in movie history: MOONFALL! From the director of a bunch of other movies that somehow were popular and successful despite being equally terrible to MOONFALL! Thanks, Roland Emmerich! Your works of art will live on for generations of idiots to come.
It's now officially June and the start of Summer! The first half of this year was a pile of crap but Jay and Mike did watch a bunch of movies that they cared so little about they nearly forgot all of them! The magic of the silver screen is back, baby! Mike orders a can of beer from the future! Jay rambles on about the new Robert Egger's Egg. And the posters on the thumbnail DO NOT represent the order in which the movies were talked about. That would have made sense, right? I should have done that from the start. But now that it's made, I'm too lazy to go and fix it because it's a nice day out and I'm going to the beach to swim in my new clown themed unitard. (00:00:00) Intro (00:02:22) All My Friends Hate Me (00:06:59) Windfall (00:12:53) Jackass Forever (00:17:50) Ultrasound (00:23:38) King Knight (00:30:16) Fresh (00:39:58) The Northman (00:58:58) The Northman/Gladiator Comparison (Spoilers) (01:01:27) Outro
Mike and Jay take a break in between fixing Mr. Plinkett's VCR to review a movie that came out 3 years ago: Everything Everywhere All At Once! I hope everyone has had the chance to finally see this film! WARNING: Video may contain coarse language, smoking, drug use, and Mike talking about Star Trek: The Next Generation.
There comes a time in two men's lives when they never watch The Batman. That time is now. Instead, these strapping young gentlemeeps watched three films that lay somewhere in the middle of the movie-greatness spectrum. Watcher, I Love My Dad and Vengeance. Three movies you may have heard of or seen available on your streaming servonk. These moopies are entertaining, interesting, lovable and sometimes flawed. But isn't that everyone of we? Does not pirate them. Support filmmakers making something other than Game of Thrones prequels or billion dollar Lord of the Rings prequels or whatever sharts are coming out soon (except for the upcoming 96th season of Ghost Adventures where the gang is sure to find their most compelling evidence yet!) Anyways, watch moopies that make you think. Make you feel scared. Or make you horribly uncomfortable. Everyday doesn't have to be a Tums festival but everyday can be a lovely day where you give a little indie movie a chance.
There comes a time in every two man's lives when they take a bunch of Glembezza, get super old, do an opening bit that goes on way too long, then watch two films on streaming. That time is then! Jay and Mike talk about two floms they watched weeks ago! Why aren't they talking about movies in the theater? Welp, I looked to see what was playing in the theater and it was: The Muppet Movie from 1974, some kid shit, something called "Honk for Jesus, Jaws from 1977, and some Teen romance film. Yes, the movie theaters are truly dead. They'll fill the screen with literally anything! Why go to a disgusting nightmare-world where you sit in other people's trash to see The Muppet Movie? So Jay and Mike watch two films of very good quality on streaming as they do and review them. Movies truly are magical. Tune in next week when Mike gets an illegal broadcast on his TV by the toynbee tiles guy who is currently broadcasting Clown Doll on all frequencies.
The time has come! Jets! Dinos! Thors! The internet freaked out when Jay and Mike reviewed a handful of rando indie films they probably haven't heard of. The internet said, "Why does you not talk about The Batman! Or other biggie moopies I seen with my Nanna!? Why you talk about ironic, self-indulgent hipster rubbish?" They all want Jay and Mike to tell them what to think about movies like Top Gum™, Dino World™, and More Marvel™. Then Mike and Jay talk about More Marvel™ and other such big action films and the internet says, "Why doesn't you speak of Barbarian? Why doesn't you go to a dark theater and watch Barbarian and sit next to a creep in a turtle-neck sweater touching himself while he watches Barbarian?" To this we say: WE DO BOTH! This time in Half in the Bag, Mike and Jay talk about three big summer movies in a year without a summer.
It is time yet again for evil to die tonight! The online movie discussion world has turned into the angry town mob of Haddonfield with their pitchforks and irons in hand to take aim at Halloween Ends, the third and final film in the David Gordon Green trilogy of Michael Myers movies. Grab your candy corn and Activia and listen to Mike and Jay make you angry for 45 minutes!!!!
Nearly two months after the films release, Half in the Bag continues to be the leading YouTube channel for the fastest reviews of new films! It's the time for Jay and Mike to talk about the most talked about movie of 2 months ago, Barbarian! This time Jay and Mike sit down as themselves cause they were too lazy to do their HITB storyline. But what did they think of Blarbberry? Does they liked it? Was it boring? Was it too preachy? Does the monster scared them? Did it have too many plort holes? Or was it different, fresh, inventive and fun? Only the guy who made the boner comedy Miss March could pull off a horror picture with an anti-misogynistic message. Jay usually likes creepy trash so my guess is he liked it. The other one, the fat dumb one probably didn't like it cause he only likes old Star Trek and he should jump off a bridge. - Rich Evans
(00:00) Intro (00:32) Bodies Bodies Bodies (02:34) Fleishman Is In Trouble (05:36) Clerks III (10:27) Weird: The Al Yankovic Story (11:36) 1899 (13:51) TV Comedies (16:33) Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (18:23) The Fabelmans (22:13) The Midnight Club (24:56) Kevin Can F*** Himself (28:33) Bones and All (33:45) Outro
Mike and Jay narrow down some of the worst rated films of 2023 and pick one to watch. It's called Snow Falls and its something someone made that takes place in a large cabin house. Digital snowflakes fall on snowflakes as they gets cold in the film and can't handle basic survival skills or something and they just get too cold because of the film's premise. Someone made a movie and wanted you to watch this movie cause the trailer makes the movie look like it could be fun. It kind of looks like a movie you've seen before. Young people in a cabin and things happen but in this film nothing really happen. It gets cold and they can't leave the cabin, but they really can. I guess the roads are out but no one ever show me that. Why not drive away from cold house? Why not? No one liked this film, but Mike and Jay may talk about it for longer than anyone on Earth. Why did they? Why review this when them could review newer better or more populated films? When?
Cocaine Bear! It's that movie that everyone was joking about for about a week and then completely forgot. Jay and Mike talk about it. They also talk about Knock at the Cabin, the latest film from N. Night Shyamalan. It's about a cabin that has a knock at the cabin. They also talk about The Whale, starring Cocaine Bear!
An Irish guy shot the latest installment of an American franchise in New Zealand. It's Evil Dead Rise! The first Evil Dead movie in a decade. Is the new film worth traveling to a disgusting movie theater to see??? Only the idiots that bring their crying infants to a disgustingly violent R-rated movie know for sure!
The summer movie season is a go! It's time for action! Time for adventure! Time for incorrect aspect ratio projections of a movie that takes up only two thirds of your giant movie theater screen of which you came to see said movie on. It's time to head back to the moopies and check out the final Marvel movie, Guardians of the Galaxy 3!
Indiana...let it go. We had a lot of dumb technical issues when filming this episode. One of our stupid mics stopped working 2 minutes into our discussion but we didn't discover that until after talking about the stupid Indiana Jones movie for 45 minutes so then we had to start the stupid discussion all over again. And for some reason on the second time we shot it, Rich Evans' microphone made him sound extra echo-y because Rich Evans is a sound anomaly. But you can still understand everything we say as we painstakingly go through this boring movie. So just relax and have fun, everybody. Relax and have fun!!! And Happy Birthday, Grimace!
Happy Barbenheimer everyone! Watch as these two elderly losers stall for half the video before finally discussing what some are calling the best movie of the year: Oppenheimer! In addition to that, Mike and Jay discuss the ongoing writer and actor strikes as well as it's consequences on movies, theaters, streamers, audiences, and most importantly what effect it will have on David Zaslav. Won't someone please think of poor David Zaslav?!
Mike and Jay go down one of the most unexpected rabbit holes of all time! It’s the Kyle Gallner Triple Feature Spectacular! Brought to you by Vudu™ and Loot Crate™ and Quaker Oats™! Mike loves Vudu. It’s an interface his rotting, elderly, dementia-ridden brain can comprehend. It’s where he watches his movies and loves to click on the little pictures and see what other movies people have been in. This time, Mike saw that Jay’s old friend Kyle Gallner has been in 3 movies in the past 6 months or so. Mike watched the three most recent films and got a little something out of each one. He wanted to share them with Jay. And then with you, the internet audience. Are these movies destined to be classics decades from now? Probably not. They are lower budgeted quality independent films that make a heartful attempt at something new. Plus they do not have the words Clown, Shark, or Exorcist in the title. Did billions of people go to see them like the Barbie movie? Or Oppenhomie? Nope.
The power of Christ compels Mike and Jay to see another trash rebootquel cash grab soft-reboot sequel remake. This time, David Gordon Green and Blunhouse have got their dirty, disgusting hands on The Exorcist, one of Jay's favorite movies of all time. Is the movie any good???????? What do you think?????
The holiday season may be sort of over (except for News Years) but the derivative holiday-related shit films keep pooping out of our TVs. Hi, I'm Porky Fartbag and I'm here today to tell you about Mike and Jay (aka redlettermedia) they do a show called Half in the Bag where they talk about movies. On this episode they watched three recent holiday films: It's a Wonderful Knife, There's Something in the Barn, and Thanksgiving. It would have been more appropriate if there was a News Years Eves film in there too, but such as it goes. While a murderous Santa or horror Christmas film in the 1980's would have caused a stir, today it's par for the course. What, with all the filthy p*rn, shameful home renovation shows , trash music, angry political programing, and TLC fatso shows; a killer Santa Claus seems quaint. However, people keep making these movies hoping to shock or catch a view.
Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire is the newest Ghostbusters movie. It's the sequel to the last Ghostbusters movie, which was a franchise reset from the Ghostbusters movie before that one. Do you...do you remember Ghostbusters? Mike, Jay, and Rich sit in an empty void to discuss this latest Sony product. Do you remember Ghostbusters?
Eli Roth made a boom boom. Mike and Jay talks about Borderlands. What a misfire! Odd casting choices. No one want to make. Adult professionals pretend to "care" about characters in video game they never hear of so they can make a check to pay for their yachts and shrimp. The behind the scenes interviews where these clowns pretend to care might be the most cringe rizz eva. Jayme Loins Curtis (daughter of Bill Curtis son of King Arthur of Legend) is so old even Michael Myers is too old to kill her. Even Activa won't eat her old gut rot. She pretends to love and care about her character, Rizzo McPizzo but don't give none sh*ts. Her net worth is 197 million dollars. Why she even work anymore? Just be grandma and let others have roles. Poor Cate Beckenblachett. Is it that hard to find good project? Tar 2: Back to the Tar Pits? You're much better than to play Ronald McDonald's sister. Kevin Hart like cash. We all know that.
Aliens Facehuggers Get away from her, you b*tch! The Nostromo Reebok shoes CGI deepfake dead actor deepfakes Evil android that's loyal to the company black goo MU/TH/ER Weyland Yutani The Engineers People in Alien Queen wall cocoons but there's no Alien Queen to put them in the cocoons; it just happens Protagonist getting into underwear then having to get into space suit Opening hole in the ship to shoot the alien out of the ship Every day is an endless nightmare
Movies. What is they? A series of images accompanied by sound and music to tell a story. Who makes them? Artists? Clowns? Men and/or Women? Beef? A.I.s will soon make them and everything else and that's when the wars start. Save antibiotics and anti-radiation pills. Invest in canned food and shotguns. Build a fence around your property with barbed wire even though your elderly neighbors tell you it's an "eye sore". Tell them, "First A.I.s will make an episode of Spongebob Squarepants and next they'll be coming to harvest your organs for Chinese billionaire gangsters on the black market through the dark web". I found the site already. It's called www.crackerguts.com. On the site is a photo of my fat face with a caption that reads: We want everything but your liver. But I digress. Today Mike and Jar went BACK to the Monkeypox filled movie theaters to watch "Strange Darling", the new film starring Kyle Gallner (pronounced Gouwlinger) and others.
Remember Beetlejuice? That very unique and original 1980s film that has spanned generations as a classic film with tons of memorable characters, performances, and iconography? Well...it's back. They did it again. They made another one with those same characters, same performances, and same iconography. Welcome to the underworld of modern movie IP-mining. Dig in!!! Everything old is up for grabs, just waiting to be recycled!
Halloween. What is it? A celebration of all things spooky, scary, and macabre. Are all horror movies Halloween movies? No. Are all Halloween movies horror movies? Yes. Except for stupid kids movies. In America we celebrate Halloween on October 31st. In Canada they celebrate Halloween on May 11th the day after Queen’s Day and the day before Boxing Day. In England they called Halloween “Pumpkin Eve” and when little kids ring the doorbells they say, “Trick or Teeth”. Folks hand out a trick or toothpaste (called teethpaste north of Buckinghampshire not not as far south as Willhubsmanfeld upon Blumberston”. In North Korea Halloween is called Thursday. But Americans invented the horror film. The first horror film ever made was 1997’s “I Know What You Did Last Summer” and since then it’s been an amazing journey of terror and screams for you to annoy your religious Grandparents with. Tell them you’re putting on The Last Temptation of Christ and play Terrorizer 3.
Mike and Jay are modern day circus clowns. Just uglier and stupider. They are here for you today to talk about movies no one will remember in two months. This is the second half of the top ten horror movies seen by Mike and Jay in the first part of the second half of the year. If you understood that give yourself a pat on the back because I didn't. Point is: Here's a bunch of recently released films that these two old clown-farts will yammer on about giving you their ill-gotten and half-wit opinions on. Mike seems to be the dumber of the two. What kind of man watches the AfrAId movie? What kind of man watches Blumhouse trash when he can be doing things like going to the gym to lose an excess 90 pounds? Wait till he finds out Speak No Evil was distributed by Blumhouse! He'll feel so stupid then! Why no one call it Dumbhouse yet? NO ONE THINKS ODF THAT? Jay likes the Substance because of course he does.
Tell me about it! It's Presence! The new film from retired director Steven Soderbergh! But by the time THIS review comes out he will have had a new film already! Finally! Morbidly Obese Midwest Mike™ and Jamaica Jerk Chicken Jay™ review a film that many have slandered as lame and boring because they have to watch it. Or because it's a ghost movie with no loud creep-out™ sounds. Certainly a lacking of spooky clowns. A horror film where a camera man walks around the house and films people talking in rooms. Every so often something shakes or a crazy 90's skateboard kid tries to roofie someone (must have watched too many episodes of The Cosby Show!) or Lucy Lu is doing shady shit on her laptop, having an affair, or belittling ghosts. That sullen daughter is moping about while the Dad who seemingly has no job but to tell painters what to paint and where. How does these weirdos afford this nice ass house with no jobs and poor paint choice? That sweet kitchen island tho. Nice appliances.
Rich and Jay do the thing that the title of the video says. Remember Ghostbusters??
The gang is back with a live stream featuring all the latest Rise of Skywalker news!! Watch till the end to bid on a live auction for charity!!!