HELLOO my beautiful, smart and talented children!! how are we feeling today? I hope you guys are doing wonderful today and y'all- TODAY IT SNOWED! FIRST SNOWFALL OF THE YEAR! I'm so hype because my favorite season is winter and before I know it imma be ice skating, seeing Christmas decorations all over town, sledding! AHHH! im so excited to get this party started. ANYWAY! I hope wherever you are right now you get some fresh air, do something that makes you happy, and do some nice self care tonight! remember that face mask you got yourself a while ago and said "ill save it for a self-care night" but now its still sitting in your drawer unused?? yeah im talking to you. USE HER TONIGHT! TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF AND GIVE YOURSELF TIME TO BREATHE AND LOOK AROUND! okay okay im blabbing on way too much but I really hope you guys have a wonderful rest of your day and be safe out there. I love you very very much.