조기 폐경 진단을 믿을 수 없는 홍단은 아무 남자나 잡아서 일을 치르겠다 결심하고 민기와 지나는 눈만 마주치면 싸워댄다. 공희는 단수에게 무슨 사연이 있는지 걱정되고 악몽을 꾸는 단수의 옆을 지킨다.
Dan-soo faints upon seeing Gyeong-tae's bloodied hand. Myung-ja feels bad for Dan-soo and is determined to take good care of him. Meanwhile, Hong-dan still can't believe that she may be going through premature menopause and decides to have a baby as soon as possible. At Jayce Fashion, Min-gi and Ji-na keep fighting every time they run into each other.