Der Ermittlungsbeamte der öffentlichen Sicherheit Cohen ist in Montalcino spurlos verschwunden. Er war auf der Jagd eines padanisch-republikanischen Auftragsmörders, namens Pinocchio. Die Abteilung 2 der „Gesellschaft für Soziale Wohlfahrt“ soll den Fall aufklären. Das Fratello-Pärchen Hirscher & Triela fährt nach Montalcino. In dem Hotel, in dem der verschwundene Beamte zuletzt übernachtet hatte, finden sie eine Spur, die zu Pinocchio führt. Dieser bereitet gerade mit Franca und Franco den von Onkel Christiano beauftragten Bombenanschlag vor…
Hilshire and Triela are ordered on a mission to relocate a member of the Public Safety Division who has gone missing in his search for a Padanian assassin named Pinocchio. While investigating at a hotel in Montalcino, Triela stumbles upon a book titled "Pinocchio" and begins reading it, later throwing it onto the ground for a lack of a better story. The next day, Triela ends up finding a girl named Aurora who happens to know Pinocchio. Unbeknown to Aurora, Triela slips a mic into her lunch basket. A moment later, Aurora sneaks into Pinocchio's house and is captured by him, Franco and Franca, who then hold her hostage. Triela and Hilshire break in and Triela fights Pinocchio but is outwitted and defeated by him. Although Aurora is saved thanks to Hilshire's effort to release her from Franca's grip, the terrorists are able to escape. Triela becomes humiliated after being beaten.
A Montalcino, Henrietta e Triela vengono incaricate di trovare un ragazzo di nome Pinocchio. Triela conosce Aurora, una ragazza che sostiene di sapere dove è nascosto Pinocchio. Successivamente Aurora viene presa in ostaggio da Pinocchio, Franco e Franca. Triela riesce a stanare Pinocchio e ingaggia un duello con lui. La bambina ha però la peggio e fa fuggire Pinocchio, che riesce a sottrarle la sua pistola.
A Hilshire y Triela se les ordena una misión para reubicar a un miembro de la División de Seguridad Pública que ha desaparecido en su búsqueda de un asesino padano llamado Pinocho.