Their battle with the Alus Earthree Gundam has ended in victory for Hiroto and the Build Divers. In front of its wreckage are the Earthree Gundam and the Beam Shoot Rifle U7, which has been thrust into the ground. As Hiroto stares at the rifle which looms like a gravestone, a buried memory is revived within the depths of his heart.
Hiroto erinnert sich an seine ersten Erlebnisse im GBN – und wie er eine ganz besondere Person kennengelernt hat.
Hiroto et les Build Divers ont vaincu l'Alus Earthree Gundam. Devant sa carcasse se trouvent l'Earthree Gundam et le fusil de précision laser U7, planté dans le sol. Alors que Hiroto regarde ce fusil, semblable à une pierre tombale, d'anciens souvenirs remontent à la surface.