This cautionary tale begins when Gumby's new computer arrives, equipped with the latest in electronic cloning. Gumby makes a clone of himself to perform his menial daily routine so that he can sit at home eating donuts and watching game shows all day. Unfortunately, his clone comes equipped with self-preservation routines that make it smash the Blockheads into jelly and destroy his farm. Gumby's friends realize that something's wrong with "Gumby" and follow him home. Without the restrictions of responsibility and polite society, Gumby has become a fat slob who shuts himself out from all human contact and spends all his time with his computer. (I wonder who that reminds me of.) Luckily, it's all a bad dream, and Gumby wakes up to find that his new computer really has arrived. Learning nothing from his dream, he leaps happily out of bed, presumably to fulfill his horrible nightmare.