Die vierte Apokalypse steht kurz bevor. Was wird aus Shu und Inori?
After Mana is completely resurrected, Mana greets Shu but is shunned by him after she speaks ill of Inori, much to her anger. Gai draws out Mana's Void to fight Shu while she triggers the Fourth Apocalypse, spreading the Apocalypse virus throughout the entire world. Haruka confronts Shuichiro who commits suicide by injecting the virus into himself. Meanwhile the Undertakers fight a group of Endlaves led by Daryl, who believes he changed because of them and wants to go back to his old self. Tsugumi finds that her attempts to hack the GHQ system are being repelled by another hacker as skilled as her. Shibungi figures that the hacker is actually Kenji and after tracking his location, he kills him, allowing Tsugumi to operate freely and help Ayase defeat Daryl. Just when Shu is about to be killed by Gai, Shu is seeing a flower while hearing the Voice of Inori.
슈는 가이의 압도적인 힘 앞에 무릎을 꿇는다.
이대로 친구들의 보이드를 끌어안은 채 최후를 맞고, 인류는 도태되는가...
모든 것을 체념한 그 때, 이노리의 목소리가 들려온다.
El cuarto apocalipsis está a la vuelta de la esquina. ¿Qué hay de Shu e Inori?
La quarta apocalisse è pronta a illuminare con la luce dell'evoluzione e della selezione gli abitanti della Terra. I due devono risolvere la faida del passato.
Czwarta apokalipsa się rozpoczęła. Trwa ewolucja i selekcja życia na planecie. Jej dwóch mieszkańców musi rozstrzygnąć spór z przeszłości.