Haruka hat die Nase voll und beschließt, selbst die Zügel in die Hand zu nehmen. Sie muss jedoch feststellen, dass sie nicht die einzige ist, die Änderungen vornehmen will.
Haruka opens a safe guarding the third and final Void Genome, but is stopped by Shuichiro, who is revealed to be her older brother. He confesses that he was the one who killed her husband, Shu's father, before shooting her, but she manages to escape with the Void regardless. An arrest warrant is issued on Haruka, Segai offers to lead the search for her. As she heads to the Kuhouin estate for shelter, her old friend Kurachi tells her the estate is no longer safe now that Okina is dead, and they head to an Undertakers hideout. Arisa is approached by Shu who convinces her to help him rescue Inori, as she wants to learn more about Gai's true intentions.
하루카는 다아스의 계획을 저지하기 위해 마나를 죽이려 하지만 실패한다.
이에 어쩔 수 없이 마지막 희망, 보이드 게놈을 들고 장의사 잔존 멤버와 합류하는데...
세가이의 소탕부대가 거점에 들이닥친 가운데, 슈도 급히 그리로 향한다.
Haruka está harta y decide tomar las riendas él mismo. Sin embargo, tiene que darse cuenta de que no es la única que quiere hacer cambios.
Dopo uno scontro, Inori perdona finalmente Shu per i suoi peccati. Il giovane affronta Gai da solo rischiando tutto e il suo miracoloso potere disegna un nuovo destino.
Inori w końcu wybacza Shu. Shu staje do walki z Gaiem, stawiając wszystko na jedną kartę. Jego cudowna moc sprawia, że rodzi się nowe przeznaczenie.