The gang moves to a secret location in the countryside and starts training to be soldiers. But the strain of being on the run begins to take its toll on Jas and Marcus' relationship. At the country house, the gang meets Eliette, a French Canadian radical who inspires Jas. In London, meanwhile, Pence and Cullen are getting desperate: the gang are becoming notorious and there's a rival force trying to steal the case. Pence turns to Kenya for help.
El grupo se muda a un lugar secreto en el campo y la tensión crece dentro del grupo cuando nuevos integrantes los obligan a reconsiderar sus planes. En Londres, el fracaso del Black Power Desk lleva a Pence a atacar a sus más allegados.
Gänget flyttar till en hemlig plats på landet och spänningarna ökar inom gruppen när en nykomling tvingar dem att omvärdera sina planer. I London gör Black Power Desks misslyckande att Pence blir våldsam mot sina närmaste.