In this musical episode, which pays homage to Little Shop of Horrors, Billy befriends a singing brain-eating meteor (voiced by Voltaire) that falls from the sky after when everyone doesn't want to play with him because they are busy. With Billy's help, the creature grows bigger and eventually eats the brains of all people in Endsville (turning them into zombies with glowing green eyes). The last brain he eats is Mandy's, which results in the creature transforming into a pink, brain-eating Mandy meteor. This is a mini musical. At first, Hector is singing about some of the things he adores. This leads into why he should take over the world (classical). This goes into Dr. Ghastly singing about her scientific work, leading into her baking pies for science (rock opera). The pies are sent to all the people who are singing about the temptation of pies in the sky. Skarr breaks in with a solo about hitting people with pies.