Grace erhält Zugriff auf Macs Computer. Die Grand Jury entscheidet über die Klageerhebung gegen David Nelson. Jacob versucht, seinen Vater vom Fernsehdeal zu überzeugen.
Grace reaches out to Officer Nelson while also working with Noah in an effort to find evidence against Mac; Lady Mae is suspicious of Grace and Noah; Jacob presents his TV plan to the Bishop; Lady Mae pushes the Bishop to reveal a secret; and the Bishop deals with a woman who is out to destroy Calvary.
Grace riesce ad accedere al computer di Mac. Il gran giurì deve decidere sull'imputazione di David Nelson. Jacob cerca di convincere il padre ad andare in TV.
Grace accede a la computadora de Mac. El gran jurado decide si presentará cargos contra David Nelson. Jacob le cuenta a su padre sobre el acuerdo para televisión.
Grace parvient à jeter un œil à l'ordinateur de Mac. Le grand jury décide de déposer plainte contre David Nelson. Jacob propose à son père de passer dans une émission.