Green Claws is having problems with his clocks, so Percy and he try to invent a new clock - after all the Claws family are great inventors. Iris tries to help too, but has no luck. What can Owlma and the Riddle Tree do to solve the problem?
It's a surprising day in the greenhouse! There's a problem buzzing around, but Green Claws comes up with a brilliant solution - or so he thinks! In the end he has to call on Iris to save the day, and a friendly scarecrow! And when Green Claws can't stop hiccuping, what can the Riddle Tree do to cure him?
Green Claws and Iris decide to keep fit. However hard they try, they'll never be as fit as cousin Fleet Claws - he won six Olympic gold medals - but the Riddle Tree helps them to keep going.
Green Claws is off on holiday - but only he knows where. Claws tells Iris the story of his famous uncle, Captain Webbed Claws, the greatest swimmer in the Navy, and when Iris takes a plunge in the sea, there are quite a few strange goings on!
Green Claws decides to go in for gadgets this week - but they don't turn out to be as useful as he thought - and when he decides to give Iris a pancake party, he realises he's not such a great cook, even though his Aunt Saucy Claws is a famous chef. The party's nearly ruined, but Iris and Owlma save the day!
Poor old Green Claws is down in the dumps - no one comes to see him, his clothes are full of holes, and his telephone plant is ill. Iris does her best to comfort him and has an idea, but Green Claws takes matters into his own claws and makes himself another outfit.
There's a bit of a freeze-up in the greenhouse today, so Green Claws puts his hot toast plan into action and Iris goes off on a woolly mission. Can the Riddle Tree help - or will it make matters worse?
Green Claws enjoys a game of cricket - even inside his greenhouse, but his attention wanders when Iris arrives with some scones. An early tea is in order and Claws tells Iris about his cousin from the Wild West, Miss Howdy Claws. When Iris goes off on her bike, she finds some puzzling things in the countryside.
It's Green Claws's birthday but everything doesn't go according to plan - first there's the cake and the cake decorations - then the problems of the cooking and the party guests! But Iris and the Riddle Tree save the day and everyone has a good time.
Green Claws gets a musical present and, with practice, he manages a good tune or two. After all the Claws are a musical family - for example his Great Aunt Isabella Butterclaws , the famous opera singer. Iris wants to join in and goes in search of something to play in a grassy field! They won't make Top of the Pops that way - but maybe Owlma and the Riddle Tree will come to their help.
There's a fancy-dress party at the Royal Palace tomorrow, but Green Claws can't decide what to go as -juggler, ghost or cowboy? While Iris is out looking for real cows, Green Claws gets into trouble with his lasso and decides to give up being a cowboy, but Owlma and the Riddle Tree come up with another idea!
Green Claws shows why he's such a brilliant gardener, with the help of the Riddle Tree, Owlma and Great Uncle Vasco d'ltchy Claws.