All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 Brewing a Community

    • October 19, 2023
    • PBS

    Meet Khris Johnson, co-owner and head brewer of Green Bench Brewing Company. Learn why the green bench is an iconic image of St. Petersburg and why the Black community saw it as a symbol of segregation. Johnson, who is Black, said he picked the name because he wants people to talk about the past so we don’t make the same mistakes in the future.

  • S01E02 Courage to Act

    • November 16, 2023
    • PBS

    During three weeks in October 1943 (WWII), the citizens of occupied Denmark ferried their Jewish friends and family to safety in Sweden. This courage to act in a time of war saved over 7,200 lives. The Florida Holocaust Museum acquired one of these boats. Named "Thor", the rescue boat illuminates a heartfelt -- often untold -- story of hope, freedom, and human kindness.

  • S01E03 Motherhood in Motion

    • January 18, 2024
    • PBS

    Everyone has a mother, but motherhood encompasses much more than a traditional maternal role. We explore the art, science, and history of mothering in its myriad forms through the one-of-a-kind Museum of Motherhood.

  • S01E04 Harvesting Love

    • February 24, 2024
    • PBS

    In 2017, the only large grocery store in South St. Petersburg closed its doors. With the neighborhood lacking access to nutritious foods, fruits, and vegetables, the idea of the St. Pete Youth Farm was born. This community farm provides access to locally grown produce, teaches teens urban agriculture, and offers leadership training, mental health support, and love to underserved teens and families.

  • S01E05 Shuffle in The Burg

    • March 21, 2024
    • PBS

    In 1924, six shuffleboard players organized the first club in St. Petersburg, which would grow to the world's largest shuffleboard club. Shuffleboard has evolved to be popular among both young and old, and the St. Petersburg Shuffleboard Club now boasts over 2,600 members a century after its founding. Step into a century of shuffleboard history.