For the first time in years, "The Breakdown" has been nominated for an American Journalism Award. Katie is looking forward to spending the night as a peer with the very reporters she has admired her whole life. Fearing her mother will ruin it, Katie tries to stop Carol from attending but is unsuccessful when Carol secures a position as a seat-filler. Katie is stuck babysitting her mom all night but gets distracted by Jeremy, a handsome New York Times reporter who looks down on cable news. Chuck is excited to reunite with all of his old anchormen friends, especially Len Archer.
"The Breakdown" a été nommé pour un trophée prestigieux. Katie aussi, mais elle a si peur que Carol lui fasse honte qu'elle a du mal à profiter de sa soirée.
Per la prima volta dopo tantissimo tempo "The Breakdown" è stato candidato per il premio annuale di Giornalismo.
"El análisis" ha recibido una nominación a un prestigioso premio y Katie también, pero le preocupa que Carol la avergüence en su gran noche y le arruine la diversión.
"The Breakdown" pode ganhar um prêmio de prestígio -- e Katie também! Mas, com medo de Carol constrangê-la, fica difícil para ela aproveitar a grande noite.