Jonathan Young, PhD, is a psychologist and storyteller who assisted mythologist Joseph Campbell for several years and went on to serve as the founding curator of the Joseph Campbell Archive and Library. In addition, he teaches for screenwriting programs and consults on movie scripts for major studios.His work with Joseph Campbell revealed the secrets of the hero’s journey as it can be applied to improve our lives, in the modern world.• The symbols of everyday life found in these tales allude to invisible worlds and give us insight into why the world is what it is• The cycle of the hero’s journey is a tale that is told over and over again, calling us to change by pushing us out of our comfort zone• These lessons are repeated over and over again, as one learns from their mistakes and improves upon life• We all have an attachment to the old way of looking at things, despite the call which urges us to push past our mistrust of doing new things and becoming what we might be
One of the most influential teachers in the personal transformation space is Dr. Barbara De Angelis. For over 35 years she has taught millions of people, all over the world, how to create a life of true freedom, mastery and awakening by providing powerful techniques to build the bridge between psychology and practical spirituality.Dr. Barbara De Angelis shares with us the mechanics of transformation that she has developed through the various systems, including:• Emotional Freedom – breaking the patterns that hold you back from being who you were meant to be• Soul Shifts – to be in the moment, accessing the highest part of your soul and bringing your greatest good into the world• Practical Spirituality – not just saying you are a loving compassionate person, but learning how to live that in everything you do• These soul shifts can help you integrate your humanity and your sacredness into every moment of every day
Author and Mystic Healer, Sonja Grace has helped people find stability, clarity and guidance for over thirty years. She is also able to spirit travel to ancient sites to discover who created them and how these people used places of power. She has received important messages which can help us heal our collective emotional wounds and reach a higher state of consciousness.The messages she conveys, from her spirit travel excursions include:• In ancient times, huge portals opened, and star beings came through to help define what humanity would become• Sacred sites, such as Stonehenge, were built as a means of maintaining connection to these portals and the star beings• This is happening again, in a new way, as many of the children born today are star seeds heralding a new phase of humanity• Ancient wisdom for the future was left behind by advanced civilizations to help us understand who we are and why we are here on the planet, now
J.J. Hurtak has two Ph.D.’s and two Master’s Degrees, and is a social scientist, futurist, remote sensing and space law specialist. In 1997, he was one of the principal discoverers of the “Tomb of Osiris” on the Giza Plateau.Desiree Hurtak, Ph.D., MS.Sc., is an environmentalist, film producer and author of several books. She has worked extensively in Egypt and Mexico, recording acoustic testing of many ancient structures and was part of the exploration in 1997 that found the “Tomb of Osiris” on the Giza Plateau.Together, they give us insights into:• Our existence in a timeless awareness. We are at once a part of the individual human ego and part of the global mind• Mind dynamics which shows the many possibilities we have with higher consciousness and how we can use it to shape the physical world• We are transducers, receivers of information being fed into our vibratory bodies which holds the key to unlocking the power of epigenetics• All of this points to us being on the verge of becoming a buddha, a god. And that we are on the brink of contact with beings of higher intelligence, in higher dimensions
As a researcher of Unified Physics, Nassim Haramein is poised to bring forward discoveries which will drastically change the world as we know it. But his journey was not easy. From an early age, he was able to see patterns at work forming the world we live in and was driven to know how the world derived its complexity and organization.Now, the fruits of his efforts are coming to light, which include:• The source of mass and electrical fields and the fundamental patterns which enable matter to emerge, with organization• These patterns are not random nor intelligent design, but based on geometry and mathematics• Fractal mathematics is the foundation to understanding these patterns• A different understanding of our material world, which may be a conscious universe
For more than 30 years, Nassim Haramein has researched the connections between physics, mathematics, geometry and cosmology. Many of his discoveries led to ground-breaking theories concerning unified physics, which are gaining worldwide recognition and acceptance. His findings are primarily focused on the fundamental geometry of our universe, which connects everything from the quantum to the cosmic.One of his most prominent theories may prove that we are living in a holographic universe. To better understand this, we examine:• The fundamental geometry of our universe, which may unlock the secrets of our holographic existence• Protons are the like the pixels in a computer-generated hologram• His theory on holographic mass which defines the similarities between protons and black holes• Equations show that everything is connected, validating the Hermetic Maxim: As above, so below
David Childress is recognized as an expert in many arcane subjects including ancient civilizations, advanced technology, and UFOs. He has spent more than 30 years scouring the world, asking the questions mainstream scientists refused to acknowledge and uncovering truths of humanity’s hidden history.By digging into these secrets of our ancient past, we learn more about an ancient culture, known as the Cham, who forged an empire that spanned the globe.David Childress presents definitive examples which show:• The Cham traversed the planet with a vast fleet of ships and advanced navigation methods• They unified distant lands, bringing with them their unique building techniques and metallurgy skills• Their influence spread from Cambodia to Sumatra, South America, Africa and even Easter Island• Where we find the unique keystone cuts of the Cham, we also find elongated skulls which may hint to an even older, far more advanced civilization
Looking into the minds of many of America’s prominent occult thinkers Mitch Horowitz brings their esoteric ideas forward, as a source of practical insight and wisdom in the day-to-day life of the ordinary person. He is a leading publisher in the fields of world religion, esoterica and metaphysics with a focus upon humanity’s search for meaning in this world.What he finds empowers us, today:• The Law of Attraction and The Secret have become popular expressions of the modern alternative spiritual movement, but few people know of their occult origins• Most things occult are ignored or largely misrepresented by mainstream media• We have a real possibility of losing an important part of the foundation of the American mindset• Mind as builder: Do linear events really exist or does this mean we manifest things to happen? This is where the power of thought becomes so important• Positivity of the occult is needed in order to change the way we think and perceive the world, as the mind is the ultimate builder of reality
Darryl Anka shares some of the most important lessons he has learned from his years of channeling an entity named, Bashar. First, we dive into his personal history to discover his life’s journey that led him to illuming the world with Bashar's wisdom. As we discover more about the entity known as Bashar, we learn how these beings are genetically related to humanity, and why they have such an active interest in our spiritual evolution. Plus, we gain deeper insights into the channeling process and how it affects our experience of reality.
Steven Halpern, sound healer and composer, shares his journey of creating healing music for the 21st century, based on ancient sound-healing principles. Today, the world understands and embraces his creations. But, when he set upon this path, he had to overcome oppositions from a firmly established music industry and threats from the AMA and FDA. He explains how the music he creates connects you to your own healing power and spirituality. Plus, he takes us inside his composition process to reveal how he creates his music.
Known as the Rocket Man, David Adair has always had a penchant for designing advanced rocket technology. His unique childhood began by devouring the books at his local library where he mastered advanced physics. But it was his successful launch of rockets, with innovative propulsion systems, that caught the attention of the U.S military. He shares details of the technology he developed, the stir it caused with military officials who had nefarious intentions for it, and what he discovered while investigating a fusion reactor from another world.
Erich von Däniken has been a lifelong student of ancient texts that reveal the presence of beings from other worlds who helped to found the origins of human civilization. As he unfolds the details of his life, we discover the impetus which set him upon this path and we gain deeper insights into his philosophy of the gods and why the extraterrestrials came here. He explains that our modern society is slowly becoming ready to accept that there are other forms of life in the universe, far in advance of our own civilization.