高校に数年遅れて入学したギョンスンは同級生より年上なのでジヨンにもさん付けで呼ばせたがるが、ギョンスンを見下すジヨンは決して呼ぼうとしない。 結局、ジヨンとギョンスンはけんかになり、ジヨンは救急車で病院へ運ばれる。 娘のけがに激怒したデガムがギョンスンを訴えると言っていると聞き、グムスクはデガムに会いに病院へ行くのだが…
Kyung-soon, who entered high school a few years later, is older than his classmates, so he wants to call him with a sword, but Ji-young, who looks down on Kyung-soon, never calls him. Eventually, Ji-young and Kyung-soon get sick, and Ji-young is taken to the hospital by ambulance. Gumsk goes to the hospital to see Degam when he hears that Degam, who was furious at her daughter's injury, is suing Kyungsung ...