In this first episode a unique collection of Roman Bronzes make life-changing amounts of money at auction, mudlarks scour the Thames foreshore for treasures of London's past and a 3,000-year-old gold sun pendant stuns is discovered in Shropshire.
The British Museum's team of experts work to uncover and restore one of the biggest coin hoards ever discovered. In the west country the race is on to beat thieves to a potentially life-changing discovery, and a women-only detecting group breaks new ground in Shropshire.
The British Museum's team of conservators get to work on a once-in-a-lifetime discovery, a club dig in Buckinghamshire uncovers an Anglo-Saxon burial that redraws the map of ancient Britain, and military veterans in Lincolnshire unearth a link to their Roman counterparts.
The British Museum's treasure experts are stunned when prehistoric Cumbrian gold is almost thrown away, coin hoards are unearthed in Suffolk and Somerset, and mudlarks on the Thames hover their way to the capital's treasure.