When Yuki's sister tells Shuichi that she doesn't know anything about her brother, Shuichi starts asking questions and because of it, Yuki becomes very cold and distant. On top of everything else, with Shuichi's rising fame and Yuki popularity already, rumors are spreading very fast about Shuichi and Yuki. Yuki, deciding to get away from his stress, decides to dump Shuichi. In the meantime, Tachi of ASK is up to no good again, what is he going to do? and will Yuki and Shuichi get together again?
愁一の隠された実力を見せつけられた、ASKの相沢滝は同じヴォーカリストとして焦りを感じはじめていた。スキャンダルとしてマスコミに愁一と由貴の関係を暴露ようとしても却ってBAD LUCKの人気を高める事になってしまい、相沢は愁一への憎悪をますますつのらせてゆく。