Zaradi zapletov z Nežinimi starši je Samo suspendiran, dokler ne pošlje pojasnila svojih pedagoških metod na ministrstvo. Samo trmasto brani svoja načela in čeprav mu grozi, da ne bo mogel več učiti, pojasnila ne želi napisati. Ker se niti Klavdija ne postavi zanj, to še dodatno oslabi njun odnos. Njegove dijake prevzame mlad naduti Nenad, česar dijaki ne sprejmejo dobro. Zdi se jim, da jih je Samo pustil na cedilu. Samo pa se medtem trudi na dobro pot spraviti nekdanjega dijaka Jana.
Due to complications with Neža's parents, Samo is suspended until he sends an explanation of his teaching methods to the ministry. He just stubbornly defends his principles and even though he is threatened with not being able to teach anymore, he does not want to write an explanation. Since even Klavdija does not stand up for him, this further weakens their relationship. His students are taken over by the young cocky Nenad, which is not well received by the students. They feel that Samo has let them down. Meanwhile, he is just trying to get his former student Jan on the right path.