Kokos plötzliche Bitte lässt Banri sprachlos zurück. Kokos Vater fährt Banri in seinem Auto nach Hause. Außerstande, wieder auf die Beine zu kommen, sitzt dieser vor seinem Haus. Als Nana-senpai vorbeikommt, drängt sie ihn, nochmal mit Koko zu reden. Am nächsten Morgen verhält Koko sich dem motivierten Banri gegenüber gewohnt fröhlich.
Stunned by Koko's words, Banri awaits Koko at the same spot he was rejected by her, hoping Koko would come back for him. Hours passed and Banri meets Koko's father, who drives Banri home. Along the way, Banri deduces that Koko may already had knowledge of Banri taking anti-anxiety medications and is asking her father of the diagnosis that leads to its prescription. Being dropped off, Banri encounters Nana, who Banri confides with for his recent dilemma. The next day, encouraged by Nana's words the other night, Banri plans to confront Koko. Afterwards, Banri is met by Koko, seemingly acting the same whenever the two interact. However, after meeting up with their friends, Koko nonchalantly declares that she and Banri had broken up, much to the shock and bewilderment of Banri and the others. After Koko lashes out on them, Chinami tells Banri that Koko may had seen the clip of Banri in his anxiety attack at his apartment from Chinami's camera the other night. Staying optimistic, Banri later informs Linda and the president of the Festival club of his breakup with Koko and is followed with Banri and Linda having a serious argument, in which Banri reveals to Mitsuo his past relationship with Linda and apologizes for not telling him. Koko then appears as she hands down a letter of resignation from the club to its president until Banri cuts her off, causing her to leave with Banri calling out to Koko.
Kôko a rompu avec Banri. Le lendemain, elle le rejoint comme si de rien n'était et annonce à tout le groupe au complet qu'ils ont rompu et qu'ils sont redevenus de bons amis. Le monde de Banri s'écroule et il perd de plus en plus pied.
Todavía impresionado por la actuación de Koko, Banri espera su regreso sin moverse del sitio donde le rechazó. Con todo, será el padre de ella quien vaya en su busca y, tras la insistencia de Nana, el chico se armará de valor para hablar de nuevo con su novia.