Als Yanagisawa den Campus frühzeitig verlässt, ist Koko besorgt und bittet Banri, für sie nach ihm zu sehen. Banri geht zu Yanagisawa und ist vom schmutzigen Zustand seines Zimmers entsetzt.
In a flashback, Banri overhears Linda saying she does not like him like a lover, causing him to ignore her for days, until she apologizes, saying she did not meant what she said. Banri forgives her and the spirit of Banri reminisces that was when things changed between the two and left him wondering if Linda did like him. In the present time, Banri goes to check on Mitsuo after a call from Kōko, and finds him depressed due to telling Chinami to stay away from him due to rumors about her rejecting him. Deciding to cheer him up, Banri, Nijigen, and Kōko take Mitsuo to an amusement park, but when Chinami calls, Kōko also invites her, to reconcile her and Mitsuo. Kōko and Banri meet Chinami at the station, where after some banter between the two women, they get along and the group spends the whole day at the park, with Mitsuo and Chinami making up. Afterwards they all spend the night at Banri’s apartment, but while everyone sleeps, Banri texts Linda, who was next door, and they meet on the balcony. After reminiscing about their old relationship, Banri asks Linda what her feelings for him were in the past, and she responds that she only saw him as a friend. While seemingly accepting this, Banri blacks out for a moment and yells his desire to go back to that time, much to both of their shock. Linda passes off his sudden outburst and goes back inside, but the spirit of Banri reaffirms his love and desire to be with Linda, but notes he cannot leave the current Banri without disappearing.
On en apprend davantage sur le passé de Banri et ce qui le lie avec Linda. Elle décide de lui parler plus ouvertement de son passé et de repartir sur des bases plus saines niveau amitié. De son côté, Kaga envoie Banri veiller sur Yana. En effet, ce dernier a encore gaffé avec Chinami et désire arrêter la fac.
오카와의 일로 상심에 빠진 미츠오를 위로하기 위해 반리, 코우코, 이차원 군은 유원지에서 미츠오 위로회를 열고 치나미를 부르기로 한다. 우여곡절 끝에 미츠오 위로회는 성공적으로 끝나고, 저녁에는 반리의 방에서 뒷풀이가 열린다. 그리고 모두가 잠든 새벽에 반리와 린다는 베란다에서 둘만의 시간을 가지는데...
El espíritu de Banri vuelve a tomar protagonismo y volvemos al pasado en el que Rinda y él eran grandes amigos, incluso con sus peleas ocasionales. Con todo, la vida sigue para el Banri de ahora y, junto a sus amigos, planea un día en el parque de atracciones para animar a Mitsuo.