The difficulty of compiling an accurate perspective of Yuusuke given the beauty of his artwork along with his actions jolts Ayumi awake one night into acknowledging her own infatuation for Yuusuke that has made her Mariko's vendetta along with the necessity of resolving it. While taking in stride Yuusuke's reaction to Tsutomu racing off to Mikako and Jiro to get bailed a textbook, Ayumi stumbles into her folded easel only for Yuusuke to arrest the tumble. Ayumi reminisces about her prologue from when she first enrolled in Yawaza and found Yuusuke catching up on sleep after a grueling workday when she is reminded of the Akindo meeting after school while Tsutomu and Mikako compare notes about how well Akindo has been going. Mikako's excitement over the next flea market is tempered by her concern about the love triangle over Yuusuke that Ayumi and Mariko are prosecuting -- an episode thereof currently in progress. Fortunately, Ayumi proves herself the bigger woman when she decides to skip out during the meeting to fruitlessly search for Mariko. Ayumi reflecting upon three more instances of Yuusuke interceding for her ignites the deus ex machina of ultimately locating Mariko on the roof and cornering her into an adversarial divergent concourse of Mariko being frustrated with Akindo who behaves as if providing her apartment as the meeting room is her sole function; after confronting Mariko on her conduct, Yuusuke gives Ayumi a picture to cheer her up.