Shang Yan brings Tong Nian back to meet her parents. He promises them that he will love and take good care of their daughter. His words are touching which make Tong Nian cry. She also didn’t expect him to do that. Shang Yan asks Tong Nian’s parents for her hand in marriage. They agree to accept him as their son-in-law and hand him Tong Nian’s residence permit so that they could register the marriage. Shang Yan and Tong Nian head back to K&K Club for the victory celebration. When they are caught kissing at the entrance, Shang Yan announces that he has got Tong Nian’s residence permit which means that they are getting married. Later, they make their way to the marriage registration office and call Grandpa Han to tell him the good news. The next tournament is the World Championships and both teams are heading there together. Their dream is to win the championship for the nation.