Jin Joo and Ban Do thought their return to 1999 was a miracle that was to last one night. Contrary to their belief, they woke up the next day still stuck in 1999. Ban Do, who believed that he was the only one to travel back in time, finds out that Jin Joo has also come with him. The two agree not to get involved with one another and live new lives.
하룻밤의 기적일 거라 생각했던 것과 달리, 진주와 반도는 다음 날에도 1999년도에 머물러 있다.
자신만 과거로 왔다고 믿었던 반도는 진주 역시 99년으로 왔음을 알게 되고, 각자 엮이지 말고 새 인생을 살자고 말한다.
그렇게 굳게 다짐한 반도와 진주가 향한 곳은..?