'Girls like Magic' web series explores the blurring lines of the friendship between MAGIC, a naive people-pleasing Brit and JAMIE, a hard-edged, self-sabotaging lesbian as they fall for each other in more ways than one.
Episode 2: Jamie takes Magic to the local lesbian bar and introduces her to the scene including casanova Misty (Sarah Croce) and sharp-tongued bar owner, Nic (D'lo). There they bump into gay-boy Don who works in the writer’s room with Jacob. He gives the girls Molly and they dance the night away until Casey arrives for her shift...
The morning after the night before. The events from last night are blurry. Lucky for Magic, her new BFF Don is there to fill in the blanks.
Casey tries to win Jamie back while Magic freaks out at the vet. Jacob springs an interesting surprise on Magic.
The girls talk but can't connect. Magic prepares to leave for London. Jamie visits and old friend.