In order to apologize to Kazuha's father for Kuzu's rudeness, Kazuha and some of the staff head to her hometown to apologize in person. For some reason, Momoka also decided to tag along. Once the get to Kazuha's family home, which is a traditional inn, they all meet with Kazuha's father. All seems to be going well until Kazuha and her father clash over something trivial, as Kazuha's mother tries to deal with them both. Momoka starts to feel something as she observes their family...
카즈하의 아버지에게 사과하기 위해, 카즈하와 스태프들은 야마가타를 찾아간다. 무사히 사태를 수습하는가 싶던 그때, 카즈하는 사소한 일로 아버지와 다투고 만다. 표현이 서투른 부녀, 그리고 두 사람을 따뜻하게 지켜보는 어머니. 그리고 그 모습을 지켜보던 모모카는 마음이 복잡해지는데…
L'expédition pour Yamagata est sur le départ, toutefois sans Chitose qui n'a pas réussi à se réveiller à temps. Mais Momoka est de la partie même si d'habitude, elle ne semble pas vouloir s'investir avec ses collègues. Quelles sont donc ses réelles intentions ? Aider une amie dans le besoin ? Ou a-t-elle besoin de changer d'air ?