Five professional bakers transform iconic Girl Scout Cookies into dozens of cookie pops inspired by outer space. Then they head to the Liberty Science Center in Jersey City, N.J., to sell their creations to a crowd of hungry cookie-lovers, including host Alyson Hannigan. The three bakers with the most votes from the crowd move on to create out-of-this-world cakes inspired by the solar system. They turn Girl Scout Cookies including Thin Mints, Tagalongs and Do-si-dos into spectacular cakes based on their favorite planet. Judges Nacho Aguirre, Paulette Goto and Katie Lee decide which baker reached for the stars and earned a dream outdoor adventure vacation and a year's supply of Girl Scout Cookies.
Host Alyson Hannigan presides as five professional bakers transform America's favorite cookies into dessert treats inspired by a classic campfire snack: s'mores! The bakers turn Samoas, Trefoils, Lemon-Ups and more into dozens of delicious desserts that they then sell at a farmers market teeming with hungry Girl Scout Cookie-lovers. The three bakers who wow the crowd and earn the most votes move on to create spectacular cakes inspired by the great outdoors using Girl Scout Cookies as the star ingredient. The cakes may look like glaciers, beaches and forests, but they taste like Thin Mints, Tagalongs and Do-si-dos. Judges Nacho Aguirre, Katie Lee and Samantha Seneviratne decide which cake best honors the cookies and which baker deserves to walk away with a dream outdoor vacation and a year's supply of Girl Scout Cookies.
Five professional bakers must create dozens of dessert treats using Girl Scout Cookies as the star ingredient and featuring an ornate chocolate decoration. Then they have to convince host Alyson Hannigan and a crowd of hungry, cookie-loving moviegoers at the Loew's Jersey Theatre to vote for their treats. Three bakers move on to create a two-tiered chocolate cake using Girl Scout Cookies as the star ingredient and incorporating a savory element, so Earl Grey tea meets Caramel deLites, goat cheese meets Samoas and red-hot chiles meet Girl Scout S'mores! Judges Nacho Aguirre, Carla Hall and Katie Lee decide which chocolatey creation uses Girl Scout Cookies the best and which baker deserves to go home with a dream outdoor vacation and a year's supply of Girl Scout Cookies.
Girl Scout Cookies hit the road for a mouthwatering challenge in which five professional bakers must blend a salty road-trip snack with a classic Girl Scout Cookie and create dozens of desserts designed to impress a crowd of cookie-lovers on the streets of Jersey City, N.J. Host Alyson Hannigan casts her vote, and three bakers move on to create a cake inspired by one of America's favorite landmarks. Judges Nacho Aguirre, Katie Lee and Zac Young decide which cookie transformation is impressive enough to earn its baker a dream outdoor vacation and a year's supply of Girl Scout Cookies.