A.I.'s newest Generation 7 sex-bot, Branden, goes out on his first call. While back at the office Adam installs his latest software upgrades.
Steven gets an alert that former A.I. sex-bot ,Amber, is in trouble, and sends Adam and Charlie to help her.
Jessica has her first call at a New York City Park, but Steven is worried about her safety. So he entrusts Cameraman Jimmy and Soundguy Bob to make sure she doesn't get into any trouble.
As business slows down for A.I. the bots have some down time. Thankfully Charlie gets a call for her usual....no, her other usual.
With business slumping Steven decides to have a photo shoot for a new ad campaign that will hopefully bring in more clients.
Adam gets sent out on a risky call while Stephen takes Branden shopping for new clothes.
Adam deals with the consequences of his risky call, as Steven and Branden run into A.I.'s competition while out shopping.
Charlie goes out for her weekly call with Donald, and meets him at a porn shoot starring his client, the famous sex-bot, Jack Redbone.
Steven and Sarah finally go on a much needed date, while Jessica goes out on a 'Jennifer Aniston' call.
Times are tough for Artificial Intercourse causing Adam to seek out more upgrades to be able to compete with the New Gen 7's.
It's Thanksgiving at the Artificial Intercourse offices, and Steven makes a bold decision to keep the business going.