Major Kusanagi hat Bedenken wegen der sich schnell weiterentwickelnden künstlichen Intelligenz und der dadurch hervortretenden individuellen Charaktermerkmale der Tachikomas. Sie ist unsicher, ob sich die Maschinen so überhaupt noch als Waffen im Kampfeinsatz eignen. Die Tachikomas bemerken die Vorbehalte des Majors und versuchen sie durch betont roboterhaftes Verhalten zu beschwichtigen. Trotz dieser List beschließt Major Kusanagi, die Tachikomas zu entwaffnen und zurück ins Versuchslabor zu schicken.
Kusanagi's reservations regarding Section 9's Tachikoma units comes to a head. She becomes disturbed by their behaviour, as their artificial intelligence agents appear to be developing too fast; she has additional concerns about the safety of retaining them in the unit for use in a battle situation. The Tachikomas become vaguely aware of Kusanagi's concerns, and attempt to avoid deactivation by hatching a bizarre scheme to appeal to Kusanagi and prevent their removal. When Batou is summoned to a conference by Kusanagi, he learns of the situation with the Tachikomas and is told that they will be disarmed and shipped back to the lab for analysis. Although unhappy with the decision, Batou has no choice but to comply with the order.
À la suite du test peu concluant d’un nouveau système destiné à aider Saito dans ses missions de sniper, les Tachikoma réalisent qu’il est facile pour les humains de se débarrasser des machines qu’ils ne trouvent pas performantes et ils commencent à se poser des questions existentielles sur leur propre avenir…
Saito si lamenta di un nuovo dispositivo di puntamento appena giunto alla fase di collaudo: il dispositivo annullava tutti gli input umani e pretendeva di mirare da solo (il tema delle macchine che in fin dei conti sopraffanno l'uomo anche se a fin di bene, continua a tornare).
AI에게 있어서의 생과 사의 문제, 고스트·신의 개념, 자신들의 존재의의 등에 대해 관심을 갖기 시작한 다치코마들. 그러나 쿠사나기 모토코의 태도에서 심상치 않은 기색을 감지하고, 어떻게 대응해야 할지 의견을 나눈다. 그리고는 폐기처분을 피하기 위해 어떤 행동을 취하기로 하는데...
Los Tachikomas deciden comportarse de forma diferente ya que Kusanagi tiene algunas reservas sobre ellos y así impedir su desactivación.