Stick and his new partner Rey travel to an island city, entering despite several warnings from the cities ex-inhabitants. They meet a young girl named Mint who leads them to a neighboring island to look for other soldiers. Meanwhile, Stick and Rey's contact within the city conspires with the Inbit to provide their capture. The battle is hard, and it looks as though Stick, Rey, and Mint are done for. From out of nowhere a single red Ride Armor trooper appears and helps them fight off the Inbit Gruab Seconds. The Ride Armor trooper disappears as quickly as she came, and Stick and Rey discover that the people of this "Lost City" conspire with the Inbit in return for peace. Stick and Rey leave disgusted, and Mint joins the battle.
Après s’être écrasé sur la planète Terre, Stick a fait la rencontre de Ray, qui a accepté de le guider jusqu’à Reflex Point. En chemin, ils croisent la route de Mint, une petite fille très dynamique.
Stig und Ray erreichen eine abgeschottete Stadt auf einem See und begegnen dort dem Mädchen Mint und ihren Begleiter Ken. Gemeinsam müssen sie sich den Inbit stellen, die schon bald darauf angreifen …