Our gardens offer so much at this time of year - after all our work earlier in the year it is now rewarding us with beds full of blooms, vegetables and berries. However, there is still plenty to be getting on with to ensure the beauty continues right through to the autumn and Monty Don has plenty of timely gardening techniques to ensure the garden stays in tip top condition throughout the summer months. Monty harvests his organic vegetables and finds out how viewers across the UK have got on with their own potato crops. He also gets to grips with his rambling rose by pruning it in the hope of getting an even better display next year. Carol Klein looks at water lilies in the wild and visits a garden to see how breeding has enabled gardeners to grow sensational varieties in any size of pond. Roses are in full abundance at a small garden in Richmond, North Yorkshire, where the owners show us how to create a superb display in a small space.