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Season 2015

  • S2015E01 Everything Wrong With Beyond: Two Souls

    • January 10, 2015

    Best thing I can say about David Cage's Beyond Two Souls is that there is no Matrix kung fu at any point. That's also the worst thing I can say about it. Here's GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Beyond: Two Souls.

  • S2015E02 Everything Wrong With Resident Evil 6 In A Whole Lot of Minutes

    • January 30, 2015

    This game... this freaking game. Can we get Shinji Mikami back making Resident Evil games please. They've done nothing but screw it up ever since he left. Here's GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Resident Evil 6.

  • S2015E03 Everything Wrong With Murdered: Soul Suspect In Eighteen Minutes

    • February 13, 2015

    I get the feeling Murdered: Soul Suspect was supposed to be a Telltale style episodic game at one point before Square Enix decided to publish Life Is Strange. Here's GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Murdered: Soul Suspect.

  • S2015E04 Everything Wrong With The Order: 1886

    • March 2, 2015

    I feel that The Order: 1886 is being treated unfairly online, as I rather enjoyed it. But that in no way means it has no sins. Steampunk always has sins. Here's GAME SINS Everything Wrong With The Order: 1886.

  • S2015E05 Everything Wrong With inFAMOUS: Second Son

    • March 20, 2015

    Infamous: Second Son feels like that one X-Men comic from the nineties that you never bothered to read. Here's GAME SINS: Everything Wrong With Infamous Second Son.

  • S2015E06 Everything Wrong With Shadow Of The Colossus

    • April 1, 2015

    I understand that to a lot of people this is the best game ever. It will surprise them to learn just how many sins are in it. Here's GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Shadow of The Colossus.

  • S2015E07 Everything Wrong With Catherine

    • April 11, 2015

    After playing Catherine I had the idea that someone should release a game called Cheating Simulator 2015. Isn't that how things work these days? here's GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Catherine.

  • S2015E08 Everything Wrong With Battlefield: Hardline In Nineteen Minutes

    • April 25, 2015

    The one overpowering thought I had the entire time while playing Battlefield Hardline was, "Please Dice, don't fuck up Star Wars Battlefront". Kind of shows you how forgettable this spin off really is. Here's GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Battlefield Hardline.

  • S2015E09 Everything Wrong With Watch_Dogs

    • May 16, 2015

    I would be willing to forgive Ubisoft for all they've done over the past few years if they would just let Michel Ancel make Beyond Good and Evil 2 already. Anyway, here's GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Watch_Dogs.

  • S2015E10 Everything Wrong With Wolfenstein: The New Order

    • June 2, 2015

    There's a strong possibility that Wolfenstein The New Order is the best World War II(well sort of WWII) shooter out there. But even it has it's sins. Let's count them in GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Wolfenstein The New order.

  • S2015E11 Everything Wrong With Castlevania: Lords of Shadow

    • June 15, 2015

    Someone took God of War, Shadow of The Colossus, Patrick Stewart, and a hole lot of movie references and still made a mediocre game out of all of it. That's quite the accomplishment. Let's count the sins in GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Castlevania Lords of Shadow.

  • S2015E12 Everything Wrong With The Last of Us

    • July 3, 2015

    I fully expect to be crucified in the comments for sinning The Last of Us, a game that to many people is the golden calf of video games, but this game had way more sins that even I remembered, so it had to be done... for justice or whatever high minded idea that's acceptable. Here's GAME SINS | Everything Wrong With The last of Us.

  • S2015E13 Everything Wrong With Batman Arkham Knight

    • July 10, 2015

    With this being the supposed final game in the Arkham trilogy, I think it's time for Rocksteady to move on and make the most badass Aquaman game we've all been dreaming of. Here's GAME SINS | Everything Wrong With Batman: Arkham Knight.

  • S2015E14 Everything Wrong With Final Fantasy XIII - Part 1

    • August 14, 2015

    At least I don't have to worry about Final Fantasy fanboys getting on my case about this one. Even they tend to hate this game. Also, this game has an 83 percent positive score on Metacritic. Let that sink in for a bit. Here's GAME SINS | Everything Wrong With Final Fantasy XIII.

  • S2015E15 Everything Wrong With Final Fantasy XIII - Part 2

    • August 29, 2015

    One more video left until we rap up the sad, sad saga of Final Fantasy XIII. I finished this video just one hour ago at three in the morning. Don't expect something witty in the description box for this one. Here's GAME SINS | Everything Wrong With Final Fantasy XIII.

  • S2015E16 Everything Wrong With Final Fantasy XIII - Part 3

    • September 13, 2015

    And so ends the weird and boring saga of Final Fantasy XIII. Don't expect XIII-2 until next year because one is enough for a while. And that one involves time travel. I don't even want to imagine this world and characters plus time travel. Here's GAME SINS | Everything Wrong With Final Fantasy XIII.

  • S2015E17 Everything Wrong With Until Dawn In A Whole Bunch Of Minutes

    • October 2, 2015

    In Until Dawn I discovered the perfect method for making jumpscares funny. STARWIPES! I am a genius. Check them out in GAMe SINS | Everything Wrong With Until Dawn.

  • S2015E18 Everything Wrong With Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

    • October 17, 2015

    What's this? A Game Sins video under twenty minutes? Such miracles do exist. Normally I'd be disappointed with such a short game(you can beat it in about five hours) but after all of the thirty and forty minute episodes I've done lately, this was a welcome break. Enjoy GAME SINS | Everything Wrong With Uncharted: Drake's Fortune.

  • S2015E19 Everything Wrong With Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

    • October 31, 2015

    Some people would call Uncharted 2: Among Thieves a sequel to Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. I would call it the Evil Dead 2 version of the first game. Here's GAME SINS | Everything Wrong With Uncharted 2: Among Thieves.

  • S2015E20 Everything Wrong With Assassin's Creed Syndicate

    • November 13, 2015

    Game review sites liked to use the phrase, "back to form," when reviewing Assassin's Creed Syndicate. I would agree, it's back to be boring, rushed and glitchy. However I don't think it ever left those qualities behind. Here's GAME SINS | Everything Wrong With Assassin's Creed Syndicate.

  • S2015E21 Everything Wrong With Rise Of The Tomb Raider

    • November 30, 2015

    Game Sins started With 2013's Tomb Raider, so sinning Rise of The Tomb Raider was a no brainer. However, I probably could have saved myself a lot of time by just reuploading my original Tomb Raider video, as the plot is almost the exact same. Here's GAME SINS | Everything Wrong With Rise of the Tomb Raider.

  • S2015E22 Everything Wrong With Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

    • December 14, 2015

    This week's video was supposed to be Just Cause 3, but due to technical difficulties I had to switch to Uncharted 3. i think that's an improvement. Here's GAME SINS | Everything Wrong With Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception.

Season 2016

  • S2016E01 GAME SINS | Everything Wrong With Life Is Strange

    • January 4, 2016

    The first Game Sins episode of the year and now with a fancy new custom intro sequence. Can you spell I-N-C-R-E-A-S-E-D P-R-O-D-U-C-T-I-O-N V-A-L-U-E? Anyway, Life Is Strange, there's a lot of sins. Here's GAME SINS | Everything Wrong With Life is Strange.

  • S2016E02 Everything Wrong With Tales From The Borderlands

    • December 25, 2016

    I didn't think a sci fi comedy game would have more sins that a game about a time traveling high school girl, but boy was I wrong. Also memes, because that's what the kids love. Here's GAME SINS | Everything Wrong With Tales from the Borderlands.

  • S2016E03 Everything Wrong With Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

    • February 12, 2016

    I'm told this is the best Assassin's Creed game of the series, but it still commits all of the same sins the other games do. I guess people just really like pirates. Here's GAME SINS | Everything Wrong With Assassin's Creed Black Flag.

  • S2016E04 Everything Wrong With Alan Wake

    • February 27, 2016

    With the release of Remedy's next game, Quantum Break, just around the corner, it's a good time to go back and look at the sins of their last game, Alan Wake. This is the second time I've tried sinning this game. Last time it fell flat. But now with more experience under my belt, I was ready to deal with this game's bullshit. Here's GAME SINS | Everything Wrong With Alan Wake.

  • S2016E05 Everything Wrong With Heavy Rain

    • March 18, 2016

    With David Cage's next game on the way, it was time to count the sins in his worst game, Heavy Rain. Surprise! There are a lot. Here's GAME SINS | Everything Wrong With Heavy Rain.

  • S2016E06 Everything Wrong With Max Payne 3

    • April 4, 2016

    As sinful as Max Payne 3 is, at least there was no 'follow the blood trail' nightmare level in this game. Here's GAME SINS | Everything Wrong With Max Payne 3.

  • S2016E07 Everything Wrong With Quantum Break

    • April 23, 2016

    Does everyone remember when the Xbox One was first announced and Quantum Break was supposed to be the future of what games were to become - a combination of tv and game(mostly tv)? Microsoft and Remedy would like it if you didn't. Here's GAME SINS | Everything Wrong With Quantum Break.

  • S2016E08 Everything Wrong With Ratchet & Clank

    • May 7, 2016

    With the release of this Ratchet & Clank reboot that is essentially a tie in cash grab for the movie, does this mean we can expect a Sly Cooper reboot when that movie comes out? Here's GAME SINS | Everything Wrong With Ratchet & Clank.

  • S2016E09 Everything Wrong With Uncharted 4: A Thief's End

    • May 23, 2016

    As good as Uncharted 4: A Thief's End is, there are still a lot of sins to be found. Unsurprisingly, a lot of the sins were in past Uncharted games as well. Here's GAME SINS | Everything Wrong With Uncharted 4: A Theif's End.

  • S2016E10 Everything Wrong With Minecraft Story Mode [Eps. 1-4]

    • June 3, 2016

    You would think that a game like Minecraft that plays by its own set of rules wouldn't have that many sins. You'd be wrong. Minecraft Story Mode can barely get Minecraft rules right at times. Here's GAME SINS | Everything Wrong With Minecraft Story Mode.

  • S2016E11 Everything Wrong With Mirror's Edge Catalyst

    • June 24, 2016

    Mirror's Edge was a cult classic that you probably bought during a Steam sale for two bucks. Mirror's Edge Catalyst looks to relive that accomplishment but without the cult classic bit.

  • S2016E12 Everything Wrong With Final Fantasy XIII-2

    • July 17, 2016

    The only positive thing I can say about Final Fantasy XIII-2 is that it didn't take me three episodes to sin it. Felt like it did though. Yeah, there's a lot of stupid to be found in this one.

  • S2016E13 Everything Wrong With Dreamfall: The Longest Journey

    • August 5, 2016

    Sometimes it's more fun to sin old games rather than new releases. You get to see what kind of stuff was still socially acceptable in games and then judge it by today's standards. And in these times, ten years is long enough to call Dreamfall: The Longest Journey old. Here's GAME SINS | Everything Wrong With Dreamfall: The Longest Journey.

  • S2016E14 Everything Wrong With Dreamfall Chapters

    • August 27, 2016

    Dreamfall Chapters makes the first indie game I've sinned and the first Kickstarter funded game. It's also the longest adventure game I've ever played, so yeah, there are a lot of sins.

  • S2016E15 Everything Wrong With Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

    • September 10, 2016

    We never asked for these sins, but we got them anyway. Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is better than Human Revolution in every way, but still somehow feels like less of a game. Probably because they split it in half so they could make a sequel. Square Enix does that a lot these days. Here's GAME SINS | Everything Wrong With Deus Ex mankind Divided.

  • S2016E16 Everything Wrong With Minecraft: Story Mode Eps. 5-8

    • September 23, 2016

    Instead of season two of The Wolf Among Us, we got four more episodes of Minecraft Story Mode. So yeah, I'm a little bitter. And yeah, there's a lot of reference sins. Here's GAME SINS | Everything Wrong With Minecraft Story Mode.

  • S2016E17 Everything Wrong With Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2

    • October 7, 2016

    At one point in Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2, Satan rides a giant worm into space. Can we have a moment of silence for this once proud series? Here's GAME SINS | Everything Wrong With Castlevania Lords of Shadows 2.

  • S2016E18 Everything Wrong With Mafia 3

    • October 22, 2016

    Mafia 3 is a lot like Suicide Squad - awesome soundtrack, terrible plot. And yeah, there's a lot of sins. Here's GAME SINS | Everything Wrong With Mafia 3.

  • S2016E19 Everything Wrong With Battlefield 1

    • October 26, 2016

    Battlefiled 1 is one of those games where the trailer is always better than the story campaign. So yeah, here are its sins. Just keep humming Seven Nation Army while you watch. Here's GAME SINS | Everything Wrong With Battlefield 1.

  • S2016E20 Everything Wrong With Gears of War 4

    • November 4, 2016

    Gears of War 4 is nearly identicle to the last four Gears of War Games. "If it isn't broke, don't fix it," is their motto for it, but that doesn't mean you can't build a pool to raise your property value. Here are its sins. Here's GAME SINS | Everything Wrong With Gears of War 4.

  • S2016E21 Everything Wrong With Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare

    • November 13, 2016

    I'm probably jumping on the Call of Duty bandwagon a few years to late judging by the lower sales of Infinite Warfare, but sinning a CoD game is something I was going to have to do eventually. Let's at least aknowledge the truth, everyone only wanted this game for the Modern Warfare remaster. Here's GAME SINS | Everything Wrong With Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare.

  • S2016E22 Everything Wrong With Watch_Dogs 2

    • November 29, 2016

    Watch_Dogs 2 is better in every way than the first Watch_Dogs, but somehow feels worse than the first Watch_Dogs. Probably has to do with every character being insufferable now. Here's Everything Wrong With Watch_Dogs 2.

  • S2016E23 Everything Wrong With Final Fantasy XV

    • December 19, 2016

    Well, it only took a decade, but Final Fantasy 15 is out and it's surprisingly good. Still a lot of sins though. Here's Everything Wrong With Final Fantasy 15. Here's GAME SINS | Everything Wrong With Final Fantasy XV.

Season 2017

  • S2017E01 Everything Wrong With Batman: The TellTale Series

    • January 3, 2017

    ot only does Batman have a LEGO movie coming out soon, Batman: The Telltale Series has a plot constructed out of them. Here are its sins in Everything Wrong With Batman: The Telltale Series.

  • S2017E02 Everything Wrong With Dead Rising 4

    • January 13, 2017

    Dead Rising 4 is I think the perfect case of a series being ruined by the demands of the fans. At this point, the only thing left from the original Dead Rising is zombies and malls. Here's Everything Wrong With Dead Rising 4.

  • S2017E03 Everything Wrong With Titanfall 2

    • January 24, 2017

  • S2017E04 Everything Wrong With Resident Evil 7: Biohazard

    • February 3, 2017

    Okay, Resident Evil 7 is pretty good. I think we were all surprised by this turn of events. But don't worry, I'm here to count its sins and let you hate me for doing it instead.Here's Everything Wrong With Resident Evil 7. Here's GAME SINS | Everything Wrong With Resident Evil 7: Biohazard.

  • S2017E05 Everything Wrong With Nioh

    • February 23, 2017

  • S2017E06 Everything Wrong With Horizon: Zero Dawn

    • March 17, 2017

    Let's see with our eyes unclouded by hate and count the sins in Everything Wrong With Horizon: Zero Dawn. Here's GAME SIN | Everything Wrong With Horizon Zero Dawn.

  • S2017E07 Everything Wrong With Mass Effect: Andromeda

    • April 7, 2017

    Believe it or not, the faces are not even the worst thing in Mass Effect: Andromeda. It's also incredibly boring. The faces are honestly the most unintentionally entertaining part. Here's Everything Wrong With Mass Effect Andromeda. Here's GAME SINS | Everything Wrong With Mass Effect Andromeda.

  • S2017E08 Everything Wrong With NieR: Automata

    • April 28, 2017

    Not bad for a series that started as a joke ending to Drakenguard. But NieR: Automata still has a lot of sins. Here's Everything Wrong With NieR: Automata.

  • S2017E09 Everything Wrong With Outlast 2

    • May 5, 2017

    Outlast 2 is this years second best game about looking for your wife among mind controlled, hillbilly murderers. Here are its sins. You might want to bring a bucket. This one gets gross. Time for Everything Wrong With Outlast 2. Here's GAME SINS | Everything Wrong With Outlast 2.

  • S2017E10 Everything Wrong With Dishonored 2

    • May 20, 2017

    Dishonored 2 might as well have been the third DLC pack for the first Dishonored. Has most of the same sins as that game too. Let's count them in Game Sins |Everything Wrong With Dishonored 2.

  • S2017E11 Everything Wrong With Injustice 2

    • June 2, 2017

    Injustice 2 is the first fighting game I've sinned. I'm amazed at how many sins they managed to cram into such a short story mode. Let's count the sins today in GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Injustice 2. Here's GAME SINS | Everything Wrong With Injustice 2.

  • S2017E12 Everything Wrong With The Walking Dead: A New Frontier

    • June 18, 2017

    I've reached the point where I no longer consider this funny anymore Telltale. The Walking Dead: A New Frontier is boring, plain and simple, and it is not helped by tired game mechanics. Anyway, here's "Game Sins The Walking Dead: A New Frontier".

  • S2017E13 Everything Wrong With Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII

    • July 6, 2017

    Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII is supposed to be the good Final Fantasy XIII game. Try as I might, I could only come up with a few positives buried in a pile of negatives. I think people just really wanted the XIII series to go out on a good note. The good note is that Final Fantasy XIII is finally over. Please enjoy the finale of my Final Fantasy XIII Game Sins series. Here's GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII.

  • S2017E14 Everything Wrong With Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

    • July 23, 2017

    Even I can be impressed from time to time, and Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance managed that feat despite the stupid title. It still has a lot of sins(like the title), but that didn't stop me from yelling, "Hell Yeah!" every ten minutes. Please enjoy GAME SINS | Everything Wrong With Metal gear Rising: Revengeance!

  • S2017E15 Everything Wrong With Resident Evil 5

    • August 6, 2017

    There are a lot of terrible Resident Evil games I haven't played, but of the ones I have, Resident Evil 5 is the worst. A plot constructed of villain buzzwords and a Matrix dodging Wesker are not even the worst sins. Please enjoy GAME SINS | Everything Wrong With Resident Evil 5.

  • S2017E16 Everything Wrong With Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice

    • August 23, 2017

    [Reuploaded due to incorrectly stating that Andy Serkis voiced a character in the game.] Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice comes to us from Ninja Theory, who also made Heavenly Sword. I expect their next game to be called Limbo Katana. It's a story about a Celtic woman fighting imaginary Northmen, so of course it has a lot of sins. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice.

  • S2017E17 Everything Wrong With Uncharted: The Lost Legacy

    • September 1, 2017

    Uncharted: The Lost Legacy recycles most of the ideas from Uncharted 1, 2, 3 and 4, as well as most of the sins. It just has you play as Chloe instead of Nate and hopes you don't notice.

  • S2017E18 Everything Wrong With The Wolf Among Us

    • September 17, 2017

    The Wolf Among Us is without a doubt Telltale's best "game"(notice the air quotes around game). But is still has a lot of sins you likely didn't notice. The entire concept is basically HBO Shrek. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With The Wolf Among Us.

  • S2017E19 Everything Wrong With Alien: Isolation

    • September 29, 2017

    Alien Isolation is better than Alien Covenant and pretty much every other Alien related game or movie since Aliens. But that's mainly because it apes the original as much as it can, and because everything since Aliens has been complete garbage, so the bar wasn't that high to begin with. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Alien: Isolation.

  • S2017E20 Everything Wrong With Resident Evil 4

    • October 13, 2017

    Resident Evil 4 may be a classic, but it still has a lot of sins. Specifically how it perves on Ashley all the time and has a plot that cannot be taken seriously. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Resident Evil 4.

  • S2017E21 Everything Wrong With The Evil Within 2

    • October 27, 2017

    The Evil Within 2 takes a cue from Mirror's Edge Catalyst and became a semi open world game - it also became a worse game too. I hope you enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With The Evil Within 2!

  • S2017E22 Everything Wrong With Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus

    • November 3, 2017

    If you want to play Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus but you're on a budget, you're in luck. You can still play it at a steep discount by playing the first game: Wolfenstein: The New Order - because they are pretty much the same game.

  • S2017E23 Everything Wrong With Assassin's Creed: Origins

    • November 17, 2017

    Maybe Assassin's Creed Origins needed another year of development, because I'm seeing all of the same sins as usual. All that improved was the presentation. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Assassin's Creed Origins.

  • S2017E24 Everything Wrong With STAR WARS: Battlefront II

    • December 1, 2017

    Star Wars Battlefront II is a lot like an exposed dental nerve, it can still hurt even after it has been patched. Had this single player lasted more than six hours this sin count would have topped the charts. Please enjoy Star Wars Everything Wrong With Battlefront II.

  • S2017E25 Everything Wrong With Call of Duty: WWII

    • December 16, 2017

    Save yourself the time and go watch Band of Brothers instead of Call of Duty: WWII. This game is like a Magic Picture of boring - you can stare at it cross eyed for hours thinking you see something interesting, but it was just an illusion. Which is also a good description of how single player works in popcorn shooter these days. Here are the sins for Call of Duty WWII. Please enjoy GAME SINS Call of Duty: WWII!

Season 2018

  • S2018E01 Everything Wrong With Life Is Strange: Before The Storm

    • January 5, 2018

    Check it, Life Is Strange: Before The Storm is hella lame, shaka bra. Completely devoid of the charm of the first game. For serial, it has a lot of sins. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Life Is Strange: Before The Storm.

  • S2018E02 Everything Wrong With Resident Evil: Revelations

    • January 19, 2018

    Resident Evil's first attempt at making an episodic game in Resident Evil Revelations spent most of its playtime trying to convince you that it was like, a really smart game by quoting The Divine Comedy at every opportunity. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Resident Evil Revelations!

  • S2018E03 Everything Wrong With Resident Evil: Revelations 2

    • February 2, 2018

    Resident Evil: Revelations 2 is one of the better games in the series. That's not saying much since Resident Evil 4 & 7 are pretty much the only competition. But this game still has a lot of sins to count. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Resident Evil: Revelations 2!

  • S2018E04 Everything Wrong With Minecraft Story Mode: Season 2

    • February 17, 2018

    Minecraft Story Mode Season 2 is without a doubt the worst game Telltale has ever released. With new and terrible character to movie references Family Guy would find lazy, there are plenty of sins to go around. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Minecraft Story Mode: Season 2.

  • S2018E05 Everything Wrong With Assassin's Creed: Rogue

    • March 2, 2018

    Assassin's Creed Rogue is the sequel to Black Flag that most people were asking for when they got Assassin's Creed Unity. Sadly this game doesn't live up to its origins since it's a game constructed in a hurry from cobbled together assets and sins from AC3 and Black Flag. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Assassin's Creed Black Flag.

  • S2018E06 Everything Wrong With Binary Domain

    • March 16, 2018

    Binary Domain is one of the most underrated games I've ever sinned. It still has a lot of sins though being a game that rips from Bladerunner and Terminator. Please enjoy Game Sins Everything Wrong With Binary Domain!

  • S2018E07 Everything Wrong With Bayonetta

    • March 28, 2018

    You would think a game like Bayonetta would be impossible to sin since it plays by its own rules. I say, "How dare you underestimate me." Bayonetta is goofy and over the top, but it still has plenty of sins to laugh at. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Bayonetta.

  • S2018E08 Everything Wrong With A Way Out

    • April 11, 2018

    A Way Out is a six hour long coop movie that at times remembers it is supposed to be a video game. It is equal parts a mediocre movie and an average game. It plays it so safe even the sins get boring. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With A Way Out.

  • S2018E09 Everything Wrong With Batman: The Enemy Within

    • April 20, 2018

    Having the third best Joker in your game can't be all bad, at the very least, Batman The Enemy Within is a step up from season one. Still a ton of sins though.

  • S2018E10 Everything Wrong With God of War

    • May 5, 2018

    God of War may be a Game of The Year contender, but that isn't going to stop me from sinning it. Now if you excuse me, I'm going to lock my doors and windows in preparation of the fans I'm about to upset. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With God of War!

  • S2018E11 Everything Wrong With Far Cry 5

    • May 26, 2018

    I think Far Cry 5's development is the result of someone's wish on a monkey's paw. Despite all the progress the series made over Far Cry 4, it's still the same old boring mess of an open world game that it has always been. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Far Cry 5!

  • S2018E12 Everything Wrong With Detroit: Become Human

    • June 7, 2018

    Do androids dream of David Cage? Who knows, but David commits all of the same sins he always does in his new game, Detroit: Become Human. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Detroit: Become Human.

  • S2018E13 Everything Wrong With Vampyr

    • June 22, 2018

    If Vampyr could have let go of its precious words for a few minutes it might have been an okay game. As it stands it is the biggest disappointment of 2018. Please enjoy Game Sins Everything Wrong With Vampyr.

  • S2018E14 Everything Wrong With Devil May Cry 4

    • July 6, 2018

    Get ready for Devil May Cry 5 by reading the wiki for Devil May Cry 4, because it really isn't worth your time and nothing of interest is learned. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Devil May Cry 4!

  • S2018E15 Everything Wrong With Mass Effect

    • July 21, 2018

    Forget about Mass Effect Andromeda by returning to the first Mass Effect, when we didn't care as much about weirdly animated faces, badly delivered lines and loading elevators. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Mass Effect!

  • S2018E16 Everything Wrong With Far Cry 4

    • August 4, 2018

    I could have saved myself a lot of time sinning Far Cry 4 by copying my script of Far Cry 5 and changing a few words, since Far Cry games differ so little you could be forgiving for not noticing which is which. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Far Cry 4!

  • S2018E17 Everything Wrong With Yakuza 0

    • August 25, 2018

    Yakuza 0 is the spiritual successor to Shenmue, a game that lets you simulate being a smolderingly good looking Japanese man in the eighties. It also likes to pointlessly waste your time like Shenmue. Here are its sins. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Yakuza 0!

  • S2018E18 Everything Wrong With Bayonetta 2

    • September 7, 2018

    I'm not sure why they stuck a 2 onto this game, because it is basically a soft reboot of the first game - The Evil Dead 2 style sequel. So most of the sins are the same, but I still counted. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Bayonetta 2!

  • S2018E19 Everything Wrong With Spider-Man

    • September 22, 2018

    Spider-Man on PS4 proves that if you copy another popular game(Batman Arkham City) to the letter, you to can make a great game without putting too much thought into it. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Spider-Man!

  • S2018E20 Everything Wrong With Shadow of The Tomb Raider

    • October 5, 2018

    Shadow of The Tomb Raider is the third game in the rebooted series, somehow still focusing on Lara's origins. Considering how stale the gameplay has become after three nearly identical games, I feel they are going to need to reboot the series again.

  • S2018E21 Everything Wrong With Assassin's Creed OdysseyAssassin's Creed Odyssey marks the 100th official epis

    • October 25, 2018

    Assassin's Creed Odyssey marks the 100th official episode of Game Sins on this channel. My heartfelt thanks to all of the fans who have continued to support my content for over four years. Here's to one hundred more! Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Assassin's Creed Odyssey!

  • S2018E22 Everything Wrong With Red Dead Redemption 2

    • November 10, 2018

    Before you hit the dislike button, know that nothing bad I have to say about Red Dead Redemption 2 should dissuade you from playing it. It is easily the best open world game I've ever played. That being said, I liked the first game better, and this game has a lot of sins that you can still laugh at even if you hate me for daring to poke fun at this sacred cow. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Red Dead Redemption 2!

  • S2018E23 Everything Wrong With Call of Cthulhu

    • November 23, 2018

    Call of Cthulhu is the kind of game you play when you want to experience the existential dread of playing a eurojank adventure game.

  • S2018E24 Everything Wrong With Battlefield V

    • November 30, 2018

    Everyone was prepared for Battlefield V to be a bad game, however, it's bad in a completely unremarkable way instead of being that once every generation cringefest. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Battlefield V!

  • S2018E25 Everything Wrong With Kingdom Hearts

    • December 21, 2018

    497,705 views 21 Dec 2018 #kingdomhearts #gamesins #dartigan Even in its remastered, remixed final form, Kingdom Hearts is still full of sins. In fact, I think Square Enix added more sins to it. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Kingdom Hearts!

Season 2019

  • S2019E01 Everything Wrong With Kingdom Hearts II - Part One

    • January 11, 2019

    Kingdom Hearts II, a game so sinful it takes two videos to count them all. This video was getting long and covers up to the halfway point. I'll be back with Part Two soon. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Kingdom Hearts II!

  • S2019E02 Everything Wrong With Kingdom Hearts II: Part Two

    • January 25, 2019

    Even with two videos and over four hundred sins, it still feels like I went easy on Kingdom Hearts II. Kingdom Hearts III will likely kill me due to all of the side games that took place between this game and the new game. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Kingdom Hearts II!

  • S2019E03 Everything Wrong With Resident Evil 2

    • February 4, 2019

    Capcom has set a new high water mark when it comes to remaking a classic game with Resident Evil 2. Still has all of the sins of the original - plus a few new ones, but it's still damn good. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Resident Evil 2 Remake!

  • S2019E04 Everything Wrong With Kingdom Hearts III - Part One

    • February 24, 2019

    The autism conspiracy theory that makes up the plot of Kingdom Hearts reaches a critical mass of sins in Kingdom Hearts III. So much so that it needs two videos to list them all. Part Two coming soon because this got to long. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Kingdom Hearts III!

  • S2019E05 Everything Wrong With Kingdom Hearts III - Part Two

    • March 9, 2019

    Kingdom Hearts III really makes you ask yourself if it was worth waiting thirteen years for it. The answer is no if you were only a casual fan and still no if you were a big fan, because they couldn't even wrap up the story in a satisfying way with all of that time. Here are its sins. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Kingdom Hearts III!

  • S2019E06 Everything Wrong With Devil May Cry 5

    • March 18, 2019

    Okay guys, I think we can finally let Capcom off the hook for all of those years where they screwed up every game they made. Devil May Cry 5 is a video game's video game, and stands right along side Devil May Cry 3. That being said, I still found sins and that's what you are here for. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Devil May Cry 5!

  • S2019E07 Everything Wrong With Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice!

    • April 5, 2019

    From Software finally made a game that wasn't just lore and world building in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, so I was finally able to sin one of their games. Turns out it was pretty competently told, if a little bare bones. Still sins though. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Sekiro: Shadows Di Twice!

  • S2019E08 Everything Wrong With The Walking Dead: The Final Season

    • April 24, 2019

    The Walking Dead: The Final Season was not only the name of the game, it also perfectly described Telltale as a business in 2018. It goes without saying there were plenty of sins in Telltale's final game. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With The Walking Dead: The Final Season!

  • S2019E09 Everything Wrong With Days Gone

    • May 13, 2019

    Sony ends a hot streak with this uninspired zombie Apocalypse game Days Gone that feels like it was developed by Ubisoft. So yeah, it has some sins. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Days Gone!

  • S2019E10 Everything Wrong With A Plague Tale: Innocence

    • May 24, 2019

    A Plague Tale: Innocence is surprising in that it understands that a simple concept well executed is infinitely better than a large concept that never quite finds its feet. That's why it is one of the better games to come out this year. Still has sins though, and that is why you are here, traveler. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With A Plague Tale: Innocence!

  • S2019E11 Everything Wrong With Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes

    • May 5, 2019

    Kept you waiting, huh? I decided to sin the remake, Metal Gear Solid - The Twin Snakes instead of the original because the new content just added to the sin count. Who doesn't want to make fun of Solid Snake for jumping off missiles? Please enjoy GAMES SINS Everything Wrong With Metal Gear Solid The Twin Snakes!

  • S2019E12 Everything Wrong With Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty

    • June 20, 2019

    Metal Gear Solid 2 may be the closest thing games have to 1984 in terms of a scary prophetic future that has more or less come true, but it still has vampires, evil presidents and giant robots to sin. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty!

  • S2019E13 Everything Wrong With Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

    • July 5, 2019

    Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater is the best game in the series IMO, but it still has sins worth mentioning because this is Kojima we're talking about. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater!

  • S2019E14 Everything Wrong With Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of The Patriots

    • July 27, 2019

    Metal Gear Solid 4 is a game made for the fans by a creator who was thoroughly sick of his own game and it shows. This marks my longest sin video yet. Bring popcorn. And a book. Please Enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of The Patriots!

  • S2019E15 Everything Wrong With Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

    • August 14, 2019

    Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain and Ground Zeroes, is it a game about dissociative disorder, the tale of a worn down developer and a out of touch publisher, or an unfinished game full of questionable design choices. I don't really know, but I like making fun of it, so here's the finale to my Metal Gear Solid marathon. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain!

  • S2019E16 Everything Wrong With Bioshock Infinite

    • August 27, 2019

    Bioshock Infinite is one of the most requested games for sinning, but I always refrained since I believed its sins were so self evident that I wasn't needed. But this 'smart game for intelligent gamers' has more than a few sins that don't show up on everyone's radar, si I went and pointed them out for you. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Bioshock Infinite!

  • S2019E17 Everything Wrong With The Dark Pictures: Man of Medan

    • September 9, 2019

    I probably could have just re-uploaded my Until Dawn sin video and only renamed it and no would have noticed, since all of the same sins are present in Man of Medan. They're making five of these things! Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Man of Medan!

  • S2019E18 Everything Wrong With Gears 5

    • September 23, 2019

    Gears 5 is a game. That's about the most interesting thing I can come up with to describe it. It's just a game, neither bad nor exceptional. Just a game created by people who didn't seem like they had much interest in making it. Here are its sins. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Gears 5!

  • S2019E19 Everything Wrong With Astral Chain

    • October 9, 2019

    Astral Chain pulls ideas from every anime you've memed for the past ten years but doesn't quite reach the goal its hoping for, stumbling around like some anime Frankenstein with a Jojo Stand that looks like it came out of Evangelion. Still has great combat, though I'm starting to feel like Platinum is resting on its laurels a bit. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Astral Chain!

  • S2019E20 Everything Wrong With Dead Space 2

    • October 21, 2019

  • S2019E21 Everything Wrong With Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

    • November 6, 2019

    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is a reboot of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, which you may recall was just re-released not long ago. This 'reboot' is more of a spit shine than that re-release somehow. Here are its sins. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Call of Duty: Modern Warfare!

  • S2019E22 Everything Wrong With Death Stranding

    • November 27, 2019

    What is Death Stranding? After its announcement no one could really pin it down, even all the way until just before it released. And after playing it I can see why; it's not that deep, not that mysterious and not that good, but Kojima knows how to create a trailer that makes a game look more interesting than it is. Here are the sins of Death Stranding. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Death Stranding!

  • S2019E23 Everything Wrong With STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order

    • December 9, 2019

    Making a good STAR WARS game shouldn't have been as hard as EA made it out to be, and they finally made one. They simply had to copy every mechanic from other popular games of the past two decades without coming up with a single original idea. Here are the sins of STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order. Please enjoy.

  • S2019E24 Everything Wrong With Life Is Strange 2

    • December 30, 2019

    Game Sins isn't political, but Life Is Strange 2 is. It's full of simple arguments that are never allowed to be challenged from a different point of view. There are political scarecrows to be burned and sins to be counted. Please Enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Life Is Strange 2!

Season 2020

  • S2020E01 Everything Wrong With Final Fantasy X

    • January 19, 2020

    With the Final Fantasy VII remake releasing soon I though it a good time to reacquaint ourselves with the moment Final Fantasy went down the wrong path with Final Fantasy X, and what the remake needs to do to set things right. Here are FFX's sins. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Final Fantasy X!

  • S2020E02 Everything Wrong With Dying Light

    • February 5, 2020

    Sometimes even I feel dirty doing this. Techland is one of the good guys - a committed developer who have gone above and beyond to continue to support their game, Dying Light, years after release. But even that doesn't mean Dying Light is without sins. So let me point them out to you. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Dying Light!

  • S2020E03 Everything Wrong With Dead Space 3

    • February 19, 2020

    Like any good predator, I sometimes roll in the carcass of a dead animal to throw off my scent. Today that animal is Dead Space 3, a game that killed a series and a developer. It's a sad tale of over-expectation and under delivery. Here are the sins of Dead Space 3. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Dead Space 3!

  • S2020E04 Everything Wrong With Batman: Arkham Origins

    • March 2, 2020

    Batman Arkham Origins is the Arkham game Warner Brothers hides in the attic, existing outside of the main trilogy where all the fun is had. Had it been the actually first game instead of after thought prequel it might have been pretty good, as it is it's a mostly recycled game cobbled together from bits and pieces from Arkham City. You're better off playing that game then pretending Origins doesn't exist. Please Enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Batman Arkham Origins!

  • S2020E05 Everything Wrong With Batman: Arkham Asylum

    • March 12, 2020

    Batman: Arkham Asylum was such a competant game that it more or less peaked with Arkham Asylum then had little room for improvement in the sequels, but even a game like this still has its sins, let's count them. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Batman: Arkham Asyum!

  • S2020E06 Everything Wrong With DOOM Eternal

    • April 3, 2020

    Did you think I wasn't petty enough to find sins in a game like DOOM Eternal. You should never doubt me after this. That being said there weren't many, but enough to make this video. Here are the sins of DOOM Eternal. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With DOOM Eternal!

  • S2020E07 Everything Wrong With Resident Evil 3

    • April 10, 2020

    Can you call Resident Evil 3 a successful remake if it failed to fix any of the issues with the original and cut out a third of the content and gameplay? In some ways the remake is worse than the original, and I'm not even referring to the outfit change. Watch the video to find out what I'm talking about. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Resident Evil 3!

  • S2020E08 Everything Wrong With Final Fantasy VII Remake

    • May 1, 2020

    Square Enix has recreated Final Fantasy VII, now the game looks like what we all imagined it to look like in our heads when we played it back in the day. Those fond memories have also been lobtomized so Square Enix could tweak the game's story in a meta commentary direction. You bet there are sins. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Final Fantasy VII Remake!

  • S2020E09 Everything Wrong With Nioh 2

    • May 15, 2020

    Nioh 2 may as well be an expansion pack for Nioh 1 that you have to pay full price for. Very little of the gameplay has changed and the plot and writing has gotten worse. It's still a solid Souls-like just as Nioh was, but as far as sequels go it did the bare minimum. Here are its sins. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Nioh 2!

  • S2020E10 Everything Wrong With Far Cry 3

    • May 29, 2020

    Far Cry 3 is not a bad game. But it is to blame for the direction open world games took for the next several years. Radio towers, insane villains, crafting, grinding... all of it stems from this source. Of course it has sins. I've been sinning this game for years without even playing it. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Far Cry3!

  • S2020E11 Everything Wrong With Final Fantasy XII

    • June 20, 2020

    Did you even remember Final Fantasy XII existing? You would think counting from one to fifteen you would recall there was a twelfth game in the series.There's good reason as to why it fell down a collective memory hole. It starts with doing nothing interesting and playing it as safe as possible, and continues into a bunch of other issues I list in the video. Here are the sins of Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age!

  • S2020E12 Everything Wrong With The Last of Us Part II

    • July 4, 2020

    I felt like my efforts to avoid spoilers for The Last of Us Part II went unrewarded. The experience wasn't worth averting my eyes every time I saw a discussion. I am however the only person on youtube who can give you a review of The Last of Us Part II without preconceived ideas about the plot. Here are its sins. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With The Last of Us Part II!

  • S2020E13 Everything Wrong With Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

    • August 16, 2020

    It can be hard to criticize a Call of Duty game, even one set in the future like Advanced Warfare. Not because they are without fault, but because they are so homogenized and safe it's like trying to find new faults with a wheelchair ramp. It's practically a part of everyday life at this point, like a breakfast cereal. You know there are better options, but you still pour yourself a bowl since it's easy and doesn't take much effort. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare!

  • S2020E14 Everything Wrong With Ghost of Tsushima

    • August 3, 2020

    If you are going to send a console generation out with a bang you could do worse than Ghost of Tsushima - like Last of Us 2 for instance. This may be my most positive sin video ever, which means it probably sucks since no one likes it when I'm nice to a game. I counted its sins regardless though.

  • S2020E15 Everything Wrong With Resident Evil Zero

    • August 15, 2020

    Just like the number zero, Resident Evil Zero is a game that should only exist as a concept, since as a numbered entry in the Resident Evil series it has the least relevance. Here are it's sins. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Resident Evil Zero!

  • S2020E16 Everything Wrong With Mortal Kombat(2011)

    • August 29, 2020

    How did storymode become a necessity in fighting games? Mortal Kombat is to blame and I'm still trying to figure out why since it's story is pretty crap even when it has the framework of four past games to work with. Here are the sins of Mortal Kombat. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Mortal Kombat!

  • S2020E17 Everything Wrong With Mortal Kombat X

    • September 15, 2020

    Fighting games like Mortal Kombat X are not something I am well versed in to tell you if it plays well, but the plot is something I can tell you about, and I'm here to say it's garbage. One more of these to go. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Mortal Kombat X!

  • S2020E18 Everything Wrong With Marvel's Avengers

    • September 28, 2020

    Marvel's Avengers is a game that unites people. No other game can accomplish the feat of getting everyone to agree that it isn't worth your time and certainly not your money. For that I'm glad it exists. Now let's tear it a new one. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Marvel's Avengers!

  • S2020E19 Everything Wrong With Mortal Kombat 11

    • October 15, 2020

    Time travel plotlines are hard to pull off in regular games. Trying to pull one off in a fighting game like Mortal Kombat 11 is a recipe for disaster. This has to rank as one of the worst time travel stories of all time. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Mortal Kombat 11!

  • S2020E20 Everything Wrong With Control

    • October 29, 2020

    Don't let Control's low sin count fool you, what little meat the game has on its bones is full of sins, it's just a bit thin on everything. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Control!

  • S2020E21 Everything Wrong With Watch Dogs: Legion

    • November 14, 2020

    Watch Dogs: Legion is officially the moment when hacking became Boomer and stopped being cool. That counter culture had a good run, but a mass produced peice of corporate swill like Watch Dogs: Legion has put the final nail in the coffin. Here are its sins for you to point and laugh at. Please Enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Watch Dogs Legion!

  • S2020E22 Everything Wrong With Marvel's Spider Man: Miles Morales

    • November 30, 2020

    Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales is a game about making HIM feell like Spider-Man instead of you this time around. I had an easier time 'feeling' like Spider-Man than he did, and this game is almost a carbon copy of the pervious Spider-Man game. Here be superhero sins. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales!

  • S2020E23 Everything Wrong With Call of Duty: Black Ops - Cold War

    • December 10, 2020

    Call of Duty's next subtitle to add to its overly long list of them should be deja vu, because I keep feeling like I'm playing the same game over and over. My sin videos on this series keep getting shorter and shorter because there is so little worth mentioning anymore. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Call of Duty: Black Ops - Cold War!

Season 2021

  • S2021E01 Everything Wrong With Cyberpunk 2077

    • January 5, 2021

    Cyberpunk was born with the release of the movie Blade Runner, but the theatrical release of that movie was garbage. I think we should treat Cyberpunk 2077 similar to it and wait until the version they were supposed to make is actually ready before playing it. Or not. If you already played the broken mess why not watch me count its sins. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Cyberpunk 2077.

  • S2021E02 Everything Wrong With The Dark Pictures: Little Hope

    • January 26, 2021

    Little Hope is also how I would describe this series chances of reaching the end of its planned anthology. Here are the sins of a Silent Hill pretender.

  • S2021E03 Everything Wrong With Assassin's Creed Valhalla

    • March 3, 2021

    Assassin's Creed Valhalla has been an ordeal for me. From over eighty hours of playtime to a week long power outage during video production. Sorry for the delay. Here are the sins. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Assassin's Creed Valhalla!

  • S2021E04 Everything Wrong With Splinter Cell Conviction

    • March 22, 2021

    How have I not sinned a Splinter Cell game already. Well I was waiting for Ubisoft to do something with the franchise before getting to them, but that doesn't seem likely anytime soon, so here are the sins of Splinter Cell Conviction. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction!

  • S2021E05 Everything Wrong With Hitman Absolution

    • April 10, 2021

    Stealth games from the early 2010's like Hitman Absolution and Splinter Cell Conviction have given me some of the worst writer's block I've ever faced, not because they lack sins but because their plots lacked any creativity or interest. If you want them, here are the sins of Hitman Absolution. Please Enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Hitman Absolution!

  • S2021E06 Everything Wrong With Silent Hill Downpour

    • April 29, 2021

    The only downpour in Silent Hill Downpour is Konami pissing all over the series legacy. Here are its sins. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Silent Hill Downpour!

  • S2021E07 Everything Wrong With Resident Evil Village

    • May 21, 2021

    You could have just remade Resident Evil 4 instead of calling it Resident Evil Village, Capcom. Now when you remake RE4 things are going to be awkward for all of us since it will feel like my third time making the same sin video. Please Enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Resident Evil Village!

  • S2021E08 Everything Wrong With L.A. Noire

    • June 25, 2021

    L.A. Noire is a hard game to sin. Not because it is without them, but because they are buried in a sea of details and scrunched up faces that digging them out took forever. But I'm a good sin detective so here are the sins of L.A. Noire. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With L.A. Noire!

  • S2021E09 Everything Wrong With Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart

    • July 10, 2021

    Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart could be used to make weapons of mass destruction with the amount of refinement and enriching it's gone through. Despite four console generations of experience making them there are still plenty of sins to see. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart!

  • S2021E10 Everything Wrong With Halo 4

    • July 25, 2021

    Halo 4 is what happens when a publisher demands a franchise continue when no one wants to work on it anymore. There's nothing found in it that has an ounce of creative passion. The game feels like a trailer that lasts too long. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Halo 4!

  • S2021E11 Everything Wrong With Bioshock

    • August 9, 2021

    Bioshock is one of the few games I could actually do a GAME WINS on if I really wanted to. Thankfully I'm a cynical bastard so I counted its sins instead, of which there were still plenty. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With BIoshock!

  • S2021E12 Everything Wrong With Halo 5: Guardians

    • August 29, 2021

    This makes my second time sinning Halo 5 Guardians, and this time I actually finished it even if I was just as bored out of my mind by it. Don't let the low sin count fool you. The game is short and takes less risks than a nun. Here are its sins. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Halo 5 Guardians!

  • S2021E13 Everything Wrong With Dante's Inferno

    • September 18, 2021

    Dante's Inferno is an okayish God of War clone, that released right as people were getting so burnt out on God of War style action games that God of War would even remake itself. I had to spend a lot of time censoring video game breasts for this video. That alone makes me glad it didn't get a sequel. Here are it's sins. Please Enjoy Everything Wrong With Dante's Inferno!

  • S2021E14 Everything Wrong With Kena: Bridge of Spirits

    • October 11, 2021

    Kena: Bridge of Spirits is an okay game. My preference is always to sin either great games or bad games, since their strengths and weaknesses make highlighting the sins that much easier. But Kena rides the middle road of competence but unimpressive. I can punch up or punch down, but I can barely look Kena in its opioid dilated eyes. Here are it's sins.

  • S2021E15 Everything Wrong With Far Cry 6

    • November 8, 2021

    Far Cry 6 is the worst thing to come out of this franchise since the Uwe Boll movie. Far Cry 6 puts you in the shoes of guerilla fighter, and playing it certainly feels as long and grueling as fighting a guerilla war. Here are its sins. Please Enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Far Cry 6!

  • S2021E16 Everything Wrong With Call of Duty Vanguard

    • November 28, 2021

    Low effort. That's Call of Duty in whatever form it takes. Modern Warfare. Black Ops. WWII. Same game, same sins. I count them so you don't have to.

  • S2021E17 Everything Wrong With Halo Infinite

    • December 28, 2021

    Microsoft's dumps Cortana in Halo much like they have dumped her in reality. Halo Infinite is the new open world Halo game that only barely rises above the past two Halo games. I suppose it's a step in the right direction, but when the series feels exhausted after just that one step you have to wonder if it can even reach the finish line. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Halo Infinite

Season 2022

  • S2022E01 Everything Wrong With Life Is Strange: True Colors

    • January 27, 2022

    In the world of Life Is Strange even super powers are getting boring. True Colors is a story about emotions and relating to people in a game that doesn't seem to understand people or emotions all to well. Please Enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Life Is Strange: True Colors!

  • S2022E02 Everything Wrong With Dying Light 2: Stay Human

    • March 1, 2022

    Dying Light 2 isn't so much dying as it's blown a fuse. Something's gone wrong in the wiring and no one knew how to fix it. Seven years of development leads to a lot of sins. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Dying Light 2!

  • S2022E03 Everything Wrong With Horizon: Forbidden West

    • April 1, 2022

    Elden Ring may have pushed Horizon Forbidden West aside like it was nothing, but I still counted its sins.

  • S2022E04 Everything Wrong With Ghostwire: Tokyo

    • April 18, 2022

    Ghostwire: Tokyo might have been better as an anime than game, but only if it were dubbed like Ghost Stories and ignored the actual plot and characters. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Ghostwire: Tokyo!

  • S2022E05 Everything Wrong With Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin

    • May 12, 2022

    If you watched the first trailer for Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin you already had as much fun as you can possibly have with it, because the game's entertainment value peaked with everyone memeing on Chaos.

  • S2022E06 Everything Wrong With The Dark Pictures House of Ashes

    • June 10, 2022

    The monsters are real this time. I feel that was important enough of a statement that they should have made it the tagline, Other than that though there is no difference from the previous games. So here are the sins of House of Ashes. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With House of Ashes!

  • S2022E07 Everything Wrong With The Quarry

    • July 8, 2022

    The Quarry is the spiritual successor to Until Dawn. Which is why is has all the same sins plus new ones as well. It supposed to be a horror game, but I only found unintentional comedy.

  • S2022E08 Everything Wrong With Resident Evil Code: Veronica

    • August 1, 2022

    Resident Evil Code Veronica doesn't need a remake. It never earned it. You had to be an enjoyable game somewhat first before relying on people in the future to make a better version. Here are its sins. Please enjoy GAME SINS Resident Evil Code: Veronica!

  • S2022E09 Everything Wrong With God of War 3

    • August 22, 2022

    With God of War Ragnorak on the way I figured it was time to sin one of the older God of War games, so let's poke fun at the other time Kratos played dad in God of War 3. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With God of War 3!

  • S2022E10 Everything Wrong With Saints Row

    • September 19, 2022

    I used to wonder what drugs the Saints Row series was taking. Now I just wish they had kept taking them. The series was safe from sinning until they toned down the over the top nature but kept all of the bad writing and added dated gameplay.

  • S2022E11 Everything WRONG With Guardians of The Galaxy

    • October 14, 2022

  • S2022E12 Everything WRONG With Silent Hill Homecoming

    • October 29, 2022

    With the announcement of the Silent Hill 2 remake among other new Silent Hill content, it's fitting to take a look back at one of the many Silent Hill games that attempted to replicate Silent Hill 2 and completely failed, namely Silent Hill Homecoming. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything WRONG With Silent Hill Homecoming!

  • S2022E13 Everything WRONG With Call of Duty Modern Warfare II

    • November 10, 2022

    We could play a game and have you guess which of the three games titled Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II this is, but the answer would be self evident, however you would have just as much fun as playing it. Here are the sins of the Modern Warfare II remake. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything WRONG With Call of Duty Modern Warfare II!

  • S2022E14 Everything WRONG With God of War Ragnarök

    • December 10, 2022

    Whether you believe God of War Ragnarok deserved Game of The Year or Elden Ring doesn't matter here. This is a great game and a great follow up to God of War 2018. That doesn't mean I didn't find sins though.

Season 2023

  • S2023E01 Everything WRONG With The Callisto Protocol

    • January 5, 2023

    We shouldn't have been that surprised that The Callisto Protocol, a game that began as an expansion of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, ended up as a mess. The only thing that could have made this attempt at creating a spiritual successor to Dead Space even more of a disaster would have been a scammy Kickstarter campaign. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With The Callisto Protocol.

  • S2023E02 Everything Wrong With Sonic Frontiers

    • February 3, 2023

    Due to a scheduling issue I was unable to sin the winner of the last video's vote, so I sinned Sonic Frontiers as punishment. Boy do I regret that decision. Please enjoy GAME SINS Everything Wrong With Sonic Frontiers!