Marcellas Ex Freund Simon taucht wieder auf, um sie zur Beerdigung seiner Mutter einzuladen. Marcella kann sich der Situation nicht entziehen und lernt vor Ort seine neue Frau Tania kennen, die erschreckende Ähnlichkeit mit Marcella hat. Um den Kopf frei zu bekommen, beschließt sie, zelten zu gehen, was sich jedoch als kompletter Reinfall entpuppt: Marcella irrt zwei Tage in der Wildnis herum, bevor sie verzweifelt ihren Fahrlehrer Jon um Hilfe bittet. (Text: One)
Marcella's ex-boyfriend, Simon, re-enters her life with some startling news and further surprises arrive in the shape of his new wife, Tania. In an attempt to clear her head, Marcella sets out on a gung-ho camping trip - which sees her battling unsuccessfully with the great outdoors and ends up bringing her closer to her driving instructor, Jon. In the therapy room she reflects on some of the worst decisions she's made whilst inebriated.
O ex-namorado de Marcella volta à cena com uma grande surpresa: sua nova esposa, Tania. Buscando espairecer, Marcella decide acampar e, mais tarde, reflete sobre algumas das más decisões que tomou enquanto estava bêbada.