During the process of a robbing an emerald, Fei Cui encounters a young artist Hiroto who paints scenes from The Happy Prince. Later, she shows Fujita a jeweled bracelet owned by Sarah Bernhardt known as the Cleopatra. As Fujita leaves her Jade Shop, Sara angrily throws her cat at him in a fit of jealousy. Later, intrigued by the artist, Fei Cui follows Hiroto, and discovers that he is a small-time gigolo, chatting up and charming local girls. She asks Menou to arrange food and lodging for him and shows his paintings in her shop, but Fei Cui starts to lose her eyesight. That night, Hiroto arrives at her apartment with the last painting. He comforts her, and they spend the night together, but the next morning he is gone with the emerald. However Fei Cui's eyesight returns which Fujita attributes to the loss of the emerald. Later, Hiroto casually tosses the emerald into the sea as a swallow flies overhead.