It's Milfeulle's day off, and she plans to go hiking in the Transbaal area so she can see the flowering fields of the summit meadow. This also happens to be the one day when her misfortune takes over from her usual good luck. The more Milfeulle is plagued by misfortune, the more a galactic cataclysm is bound to happen. To prevent such occurrences, the Angel Brigade must prevent any stressful influences until Milfeulle goes to sleep again. As Milfeulle began her day off, she encounters many problems such as a ripped dress, a late bus, and an urbanized summit meadow. Forte and the others quickly fix up all the problems. In the end, Milfeulle goes to sleep happy about her day off.
밀피유의 휴일이 되자 엔젤대 전원은 비상체제에 돌입한다. 그 날은 1년 내내 행운이 넘치는 밀피유가 단 하루 엄청나게 불운해지는 날. 밀피유의 스트레스가 증가하면 엄청난 불운이 우주적 규모의 대재앙으로 번질 위험이 있었다. 월코트와 엔젤대 대원은 밀피유의 스트레스를 막기 위해 필사적으로 노력하는데...